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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. My issue is where I align the camera just the way I want & send to layout. Then a few days later I revisit the layout sheet & the camera view has shifted as if the camera was moved. If I try to stretch the layout window to readjust the camera view but the image is not there I have to re-send camera to view to correct. I'll try to gather more info.
  2. I'm not sure of the sequence because it doesn't happen all the time. But it appears as if the camera moved and I'm sure I did not move the camera.
  3. I have a camera vie that moves from time to time & I don't know why. The text is in the layout. I don't move the cameras but it changes from time to time. I just changed it to "Update on Demand" to see if that stops the movement. It is a live view.
  4. Wonder why Chief rations out the attributes.
  5. Michael You're talking Greek to me or is it Ruby? Obviously, there are 3 or 4 footing sizes in the plan. Is that info available?
  6. Joe, I would love to label the foundation wall with the foundation size [24x12] But I do not see that information in the wall object data.
  7. Yes, the screw is on the last peg, Came that way. I bought all the componits& assembled the computer myself so I do have some spare parts. I think I cloned the operating system using Samsung software if I remember correctly. Will take a look at Macrium Reflect. Thanks
  8. Looks like I have one M.2 slot. Thanks Mick
  9. I was wondering if I upgraded my SSD, would I see an improvement in some areas of Chief? Was looking at changing from my 850 to the 970
  10. Very nice work Joe! Do the polylines need to be on Floor 1 or can they be on any floor to be picked up in the table? I was thinking 2, 3 & 4 story condos.
  11. I have used both Michael & Joe's services & both are very competent & professional. Looking at Joe's Sight Planning macro's from 2016, I think they are close to what I'm trying to accomplish. Leaving town tomorrow so it will have to wait until next week. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. I prefer to just use polylines to define what areas to be included in my area table. Joe did a Site Area Table routine in Ruby back in 2016 which is similar to what I am looking to do. Process: Create unique layer names for the area's ["AT-Living Floor1" "AT-Living Floor 2" "AT-Garage" "AT-Balcony Floor 3"] The name prefix "AT-" [Area Table] may need to be a variable item Create polylines around your desired spaces with named layers Polylines with the same name will be added together. Add macros to a Text that will display the list of names with the "AT-" removed from the names. Sorting the names may be an issue. Perhaps the layer names should be added to a user variable in the desired order. Totaling the groups might be tricky but doable in a macro to be added to the text. There are so many ways to handle an area table. It would need multiple macros for the user to assemble as desired in the TEXT to get the desired look. I assume there is no way to do this at this time? Attached are some of my plan area tables No time to actually work on this week but I thought I would throw it out there.
  13. OK did a test run & you are correct. Thanks for pointing that out. I've not been using the wall setting correctly all this time.
  14. Thanks, but I was talking about bottom chord bearing for the interior walls. I'll take a look tonight, it's a little crazy today here.
  15. Thanks for the reply, So do you set all the exterior wall to those settings? On the 2nd floor there are cantilevered area that get frame wills & a 3rd floor above that. Also the interior bearing walls, will they honor that plate height?
  16. Here in Florida we do a lot of CMU exterior walls. I suppose the strength & termite resistance is driving that Anyway when you have 2, 3 & 4 story houses then floor to floor error (3/4") adds up. With a block wall 9'-4" common plate height and 16" common web truss the first floor plate height is 9'-4" of course. But adding another 9'-4" the plate height becomes 20'. And 30'-8" is the 3rd floor. So to add in the 3/4" plywood subfloor in the model or not? I suppose the correct method is to make floor to ceiling heights 3/4" less. (9'-3.75") How do you address this problem?
  17. Wow, I will try again and report back.
  18. Yes it should be fixed. This is a new tool & need rigorous testing by users. PLEASE REPORT YOUR PROBLEM.
  19. See attached plan. Working on the framing around the stair landing first floor to 2nd floor. I can't seem to get the wall section to display correctly AND the framing to build correctly. You'll see that the landing crosses the wall & the door is below the normal floor level. Thanks in advance. North A- House
  20. Eric, so the Dutch Gable in the Wall DBX created the extra shed roof. I missed that in my attempt. Thanks
  21. As an exercise, I took a run at auto roof function and got most resolved. I could not get the front upper left to build as the OP started not the little roof above the garage door. adam mcintrye AB.plan
  22. I use $180 but try the free trial. It used to allow a limited number of conversion per session, which was not a problem for me. I used it so much I finally bought it. Works OK.