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Everything posted by ericepv

  1. This sounds like something I can help you with, I've done quite a few projects like this. PM sent
  2. Get great looking 3D renderings, plan sets and full models from an experienced Chief user. I am USA based and have worked with many architects, builders, designers & homeowners across North America. See my website, Houzz profile or YouTube channel to view completed projects, videos and more. Please contact me directly at 585-441-5291 EST or by email: Exteriors 'I have been a designer and contractor for 40 years. Eric’s patience and attention to detail are scholarly. My recommendation for Eric’s services cannot be overstated.' Laurence K, Lantona FL 'Eric was wonderful to work with, very responsive in communication and had a great sense of what we were trying to convey for our renderings. Will definitely work with again' Lee R, Florence KY Interiors 'Eric is wonderful to work with - he listens and renders intuitively. Beautiful work that helps sell my jobs!' Cailin T, Atlanta GA 'If I could give more stars, I would. Eric turned the job around quickly, was available to discuss changes and got them to us quickly. I cannot tell you helpful these renderings are.' Michael G, Miami FL Kitchen Bath 'I'm an interior designer who made the business decision to outsource my 3D modeling. Eric is really skilled at bringing 2D concepts to life, I highly recommend EP Visualz.' Sabrina A, San Francisco CA 'As a kitchen and bath designer, it is important to be able to show my clients design concepts. Amazing work! I will hire Eric again to take my plans to the next level!' Laurie B, Las Vegas NV Floor Plans & Plan Sets 'Giving prospective tenants a realistic look at their future home, your work helped us rent the entire building prior to completion.' Jeff S, Fairport NY 'I'm a retired builder who had a need to visually convey 2 additions to historic buildings that I own and his work was perfect.' Bob M, Rochester NY Commercial 'Eric was a pro at reading the drawings, deciphering my notes, and providing exactly what we asked for. The drawings are beautiful and exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended. We will definitely use him again for future projects. Thanks, Eric!' Jill L, Buffalo NY 585-441-5291 EST
  3. In addition to my internal SSD, I back up my files to iDrive and also to an external hard drive. If you need to create space on your internal drive, take a look at your archive folder, you may have many more archived copies than you really need.
  4. I specialize in renderings and would be happy to help. PM sent and my contact info is below. - Eric
  5. 3D Warehouse & Turbosquid are a good place to start. Here's a few more:
  6. One thing that did work for me was to change the thickness of the door to 1/4". Not ideal but it works.
  7. Hmmm, I've never run into this before. I thought there might be an adjustment in the edit tab for the handle but no luck. The only solution I can think of is to specify 'none' for the exterior hardware and then place it manually. Have you contacted tech support?
  8. I do this type of work frequently, give me a call to review the details. Eric - epvisualz 585-441-5291
  9. Here's a good place to start; There are websites that specialize in quality images for rendering, just do a search and you'll find plenty.
  10. This sounds like something I can help you with...
  11. If you are using Windows OS (you should complete you signature as it helps us to narrow down a solution), then you already have MS Photos installed. Open your image and click on the 'Edit' button and then the 'Erase' tab (towards the right end of the toolbar) and just place the circle over your flare and then left click. Very simple to use and quite effective.
  12. I reported it earlier this morning and it was removed then. Unfortunately, it keeps reappearing under different user names.
  13. You could also 'erase' it in post processing. Photoshop, GIMP, MS Photos are all capable of taking care of it.
  14. If I understand you correctly you just want one surface of the slab covered and not the entire slab. If that's the case, try drawing a polyline square on the chosen surface and convert it to a 3D solid.
  15. I can't quite picture what it is you're describing, please post your plan or at least an image.
  16. You could do this a couple of ways. Make a 3D solid from polylines to match the dimension of your wall and then make the top line a curve (you can use use a room divider to enclose your space). If you want to keep it as a wall, make a series of Kerf Cuts across the top (as per my crude example below)
  17. Open the DBX for your cross section camera and in the 'Camera' tab,check the 'Scene Clipping' settings (specifically the Back Clip).
  18. Have you contacted Tech Support?
  19. Another way to create space on your drive is to get rid of duplicate archive files (Edit / Preferences / General / Folders / Show all program paths) and also check your downloads folder. You may surprised by how much space those items take up.
  20. Core Catalog / Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing / Ventilation / Attic Gable Vents