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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. "the CAD block should cover at least half the glass horizontally and one quarter of the area vertically,"


    Your being restricted by the vertical dimension of the cad block. This is not good. Make your muntins farther apart vertically and it works. I am not happy about this but probably not as unhappy as you right now. You are going to have to create these manually and save them out as a custom door. Only a little less easy and a lot more time consuming than using the custom muntins command.

  2. 1. There are some issues with Live Elevations sent to Layout. I will be sending in a new but report this weekend for a plan that I will post soon to see if others get the same result when printing to PDF.


    2.Also, the line weights of Live Elevations sent to Layout that use Watercolor with Line Overlay do not hold the line weights.


    3.There is a bug with dimensions in a camera view section when headers are present.


    So far, none of the negatives come close to out weighing the benefits. Great version update.

  3. From the elevation the curved shape appears to be a porch of sorts. If that is the case and there is depth to the space beyond those colums I would probably make that curve with a doorway and then shape the ceiling or use a fake ceiling out of a molding or polyline solid shape. The columns would obscure the door casing on the sides. There would be some cad work to get the plan view to appear correctly but that would be the case anyways since those columns are actually pilasters (probably).

  4. This is what I love about the Active Layer Display Options thingy ma bob. I always have that tool open and set to ---->post-170-0-06816100-1454509441_thumb.jpg


    This will pop the selected objects layer to the front of my list and then I can quickly lock that puppy out so I don't keep making the same mistake and expecting different results (which happens to be the clearest definition for insanity).

  5. I have noticed this too. I think the camera is going to a blank area of the plan. Try zooming out or show extents of building after you get the blank page view.

  6. I did not have a problem with getting those dimensions on your plan with End to End. The initial snap of the dimension line goes to the edge and then I need to adjust the dimension to the center. Small hassle to move them but not very time consuming.


    Make sure this snap is turned on.


  7. I don't want to be a tool but to reiterate what Joey "alluded to", a reflected ceiling plan is done by drafting. We get a nice guide to start us off and then we draw a bunch of lines and circles and stuff until the drawing begins to not suck and tell the story. Happy Friday.