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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. Also, you are creating a layerset every time you send a view to layout. Do  you like doing this? I like to work with my layout views having an associated layerset which is coming from the annotation set. If you are doing more than one set of plans in your lifetime it will be well worth your while to get a handle on what the annotation sets and proper use of the layer sets can offer you.

  2. You have some of the walls called out to create those gables. See image. I am not sure why that roof plane is unselectable. That is strange but on rebuilding the roofs it goes away. Did you want that one to be a shed roof or continue the hip over that area?


  3. This is the place where things become less automatic and require some technical and artistic talent to get the correct look.Here is a typical scenario: You find a tile pattern that you like and the image is set for 3x6 tile. Easy enough to change the tile size to 6x12 and double the scale of the texture image. But, once you do that the grout joint also doubles and you get a monster grout joint since the grout joint is a part of the texture image.


    In order to correct this you will need to find that image, alter it and bring it in as the new image for your tile. A little knowledge of Photoshop, Gimp or some other image editing software is required.


    In other news, did you install the Dal Tile library from the CA website? That really opens up the options.

  4. Greg, take your tape measure out past 87, grab the dumb end of the tape and bring it to 87 3/4. Now look at the point where the tape is bent to get your number.


    That is the Eddie method. I worked with Eddie in Seattle and he had been a framer for production builders in California. Framers nailed studs to plates before the walls were stood up. Someone else did the layout on the plates. Framers did not nail in trimmers and headers (those guys were specialists). Eddie was unique for Seattle. My other carpenter had a B.A. in government and my laborer was studying for his G.R.E. to better himself after getting a B.A. in English literature.

  5. Chief imports Sketchup models very well. Sketchup is the best (free) 3D modeling tool money can buy. I suspect that if Chief expanded the modeling tool set it would be about the same learning curve as Sketchup. With that in mind, I am able to get some pretty complex shapes worked out quickly with the (very simple) solid modeling tools that exist in CA now. Boolean and subtraction. If I need a complex shape that someone has not already posted on the 3D warehouse I can usually hack something from an existing model in Sketchup, and my knowledge of how to use Sketchup falls somewhere between sad and laughable.


    Did I just stop progress (assuming I may be considered a "power user" which may also be laughable?). I don't think so. I think what I did was help to focus resources on the tools that are most useful in producing (building) design work and construction documents.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Whenever I export I just export the plan file. I am pretty sure dxf is an option although I always get dwg requests. If you export the layout view (which you can do) they will have lost the feature of scale. It will be going out in what ACAD calls Paper Space.  I have not exported layout but I suspect it would only have the layout layers.


    Do they want your actual Layout? Is this so they can have the title block? If so, then you might want to export layout page 0 for them.

  7. @William. Yes, but, that is a random pattern on a ceiling (see my random patterns by doing the same). I tried for 10 minutes to adjust this texture to get one of those rectangles to hit the corner and I just ended up mumbling like Lewis Black while waiting for the material editor to complete it's task. This is no way to achieve what the OP is asking for or what any of us have asked for that wanted a tile pattern to start at the top  of the freaking counter top.


    Bottom line, this is something that CA is very weak at currently. Hoping that some smart person proves my incompetence shortly.



  8. The layersets are great functionality but the Annotation set is where you can set up to get your 1/2" scale plan to behave properly. Each unique annotation set only takes a few minutes to set up and then you can save them to open with every plan loaded with the annotation and layersets. By setting up unique layersets and annotation sets you can easily jump to your partial plan (or have a majority of the items locked) so you can navigate quickly and efficiently.


    As an example, the layerset I have for creating electrical plans has the cabinets, rooms, walls, fixtures, windows and doors on locked layers. Therefore, as I click in to grab a can light above a counter top I get the can light the first time.

    • Upvote 3