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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. When drawing P Solids in elevation it will be on the floor where you drew it. That means that the camera view (elevation view) will be set to a floor level at the time of drawing. I often will be on the 1st floor plan and then switch to an elevation assuming that I am still on the 1st floor but the floor level reads 2 on the elevation.

  2. Once you send to layout an inch is an inch. The information within the layout box can change relative scale so you could have different scale drawings on the same layout sheet. The layout sheet itself is like an actual sheet of paper in real-world scale.

  3. See attached image. The elevations on the left are from layout with today's update. The elevations on the right were done last week. See how the sky is cropped on the left side right at the top of the chimney. The public beta was doing that also and the public release fixed it. Now it is back.


  4. Most business's have a personality type that is a very good fit. For nursing, it is the people pleaser and fixer. For accounting, it is the type A focused nerd. For tile setting, often times it is the Heroin junkie (at least the best ones I have run into). Have you tried laying out the rooms cooked on Opiates?