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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. JC, this sounds like a complete waste of your time to just draw walls with Chief and then port to ACAD. Why are you not drawing in ACAD from the start? Chiefs power is in that it is a 3d based program. And the question must come to the table, why not just use Chief to do it all?

  2. I think this was started in X8 beta.


    Joe, I close the plan with the text as shown in the last picture. When I reopen, the text drops off at the end and then the text box has to be resized to get the tail end of the text to reappear.

  3. I would add something similar to this:


    "Design" has some side effects, as is common in most Designs, and these side effects could include drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, swelling of the feet or hands, increase in weight gain and problems with concentration. It is important that you refrain from operating a vehicle or any other heavy machinery when beginning Design. Other side effects could include a feeling of being "high" as well.


    Good enough for Lyrica, good enough for me.

  4. I am trying to install simple rafter tails that are 5.5" tails cut from the 9.25" rafter. A pretty standard sort of overhang detail. The soffit will be closed. The problem shows up with the blocking. The framing is set to plumb but the blocking is running perpendicular to the roof slope. Not good for the shear transfer. Is there a simple way to correct this?




  5. I am working a project and need some help building the terrain. See attached images. It does not have to be perfect to the contours but I need a good representation rather than the hack poly solids I threw in to make is suck less. The Hardscape will not be changing at this time but I am working on the file for some roof changes. The building footprint is very close to the PDF file and I am almost done with those refinements. You would work on my current file and I would copy the terrain elements into my later file after the building tweaks are finished. I am trying to (re)submit this early next week. I have the file in X8. I also have the survey data in CA and ACAD files. The exact contours are not needed and often will be too complex of polylines to get good terrain but that is something we can discuss. If available and qualified to build some decent terrain, call me at 831-747-4718 Don't send me a private message through Chieftalk, I won't notice it for a few months.


    LEH Viz PLN V1E.pdf

  6. My misinformation was not correct (double, triple negative that!). Actually, for misinformation it was correct. Either way, I have been experimenting and the floor level shown on the tool bar seems to not impact the floor level of the p solid. The location in relation to the floor level that you draw it does. At least in my test plan.