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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. I was out of my office all day. I spent about 20 mins in the morning getting the install downloaded and started. Walked away all day and finished up in about 15 mins when I returned. I did not customize any settings yet.

  2. Don't wait. Download it and go. I just did a web search for windows 10 and what to do and there was a link. X7 is up and running. Some fudging to get my second monitor to be recognized but that was all (so far).

  3. This is really easy to do within CA. Just make a rectangular prism the shape measuring the wide area at the base. Now go to an elevation view and draw another rectangular prism to use as a cutting block. Follow the bouncing pics.

    Make your shape and size

    Make your cutting shape in an elevation view

    Mirror your shape

    Make your shapes into  solids for the subtraction process.

    Cut with the solid subtraction tool

    6. post-170-0-49802400-1437945321_thumb.jpg

    Rinse, repeat.

    • Downvote 1
  4. I live in a place where CYA (cover your a$$) is very important. What I would do at this point is to include an A and B scheme. A being what she asks for and B is an alternative design. Email these each time and create a paper trail.

  5. How big are your arrows? They look small enough but that may be the cause. If the arrows are larger than the space measured there can be no dimension. Maybe, since you have your dimension text in the dimension line it will not allow it even with the arrows less than the space contained?

  6. Once you set the default for the wall material you only need to click once on each wall in a 3d view. The other item that would need tweaking is the baseboard or crown. I did not try adjusting the thickness of the base to get it to show.