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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. Actually, this image shows the dynamic shelf tool that you can adjust the layer. It is not the shelf and pole. That is found in the library. I gave you a library item and the only thing that changes after importing is that you click one button to unblock the shelf from the library import layer thing trick. Get back to work. You live in the sunshine state. Have a glass of orange juice.


    BTW, I worked in Bradenton for a year in an animation studio run by a couple of "interesting" character. At least one was recently convicted of fraud of some sort. Good times.


  2. Buzz, from what you posted of your work you are a very competent professional who knows how to produce construction documents. In the same way it appears you have a tight grasp of learning CADD software. To anyone who is skilled at your level, spend the 15 minutes it takes to get a clear understanding of Anno sets and win from the small amount of time spent on educating yourself (and it appears that you have done that). Because, that 15 minutes will pay for itself by hours of return on the investment.


    When I am doing construction I sometimes run an extension cord out to a saw. Then I find I need a sander (or the jig saw) so I unplug the first saw and plug in the second saw. If I have to swap that cord one more time I run for the 3 way splitter for the cord so I can plug in both tools. If i don't I will end up switching that cord another 5 or 6 times in the next hour or two and I will lose time and momentum. This is the Anno Set equivalent on the job site. Sending a site plan to layout with the floor plan notes never needs to happen again (and for me it no longer does).


    Chief is fairly easy to learn but difficult to master. I would say this is true of most things.

  3. Link to Wendy and the annotation set vids



    1. What is your drafting experience? Did you start years ago with hand drawings? Always used a CADD program?

    2. Are you making construction documents?

    3. Have you thought of paying someone for an hour or two of training?


    In my opinion, if you (or anyone within the sound of my voice) are producing con docs (for yourself or for hire) you can probably boost your productivity by 10 -20% with a clear understanding of the annotation sets and a good work flow and template/defaults set up.

  4. Randy, you use the break tool (hot key 3) at the critical points and then join the roofs (hot key 2) with the join tool. When I do this I work in plan view. Study the roof plan in plan view with his fix and you can see how to make these types of roof configurations work.

  5. Your layout pages are dogs for me too. I sent your plan to layout and duplicated similar to your layout pages and I have no problem. See image for my send to layout settings. I would just delete your layout boxes and try again as something went wrong. Did you do any scaling of the layout box? Rotate the layout boxes?post-170-0-90755700-1443395991_thumb.jpg