
Chief Architect
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About Eric_S

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  1. That is unusual, what happens when you mouse over the edge of the window, do you get resize indicators (looks like two arrows)? You can reset your side window layout:
  2. Are you referring to the Plan Materials dialog? Your material won't show up in here until you apply it to an object in your plan.
  3. You might not have write permissions for this folder. Right click the folder -> Properties -> Security and see if your username has sufficient privileges to write.
  4. Your path is unusual, but not necessarily a problem. (Typically would be /Users/lia/Documents/Chief Architect X16 Data/, not a subfolder of it) Please contact Technical Support and provide them with /Users/lia/Documents/Chief Architect Premier X16 Data/Textures/-My Textures/Database Libraries/User_Library.calib
  5. See the Folders panel in Preferences. If you've never changed this before, it will be in your Documents (not a network drive)
  6. This could mean your User_Library.calib is corrupt. Please contact Technical Support and send them the file so we can look at it. Do you host your user library on a network drive or file sharing app?
  7. I don't think there was an ability to pause the core catalog download in previous versions. But it would be a nice improvement!
  8. Hello Sharon, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This is not an intentional character, and appears to be showing where the trademark character (™) was intended. You can ignore this, and we will be looking into a fix.
  9. The catalog's ID does not match what is on our server. The catalog contents themselves may be perfectly fine, but it won't receive updates until you delete this catalog and re-download (from the 3D Library, or from within Chief). See this article:
  10. You don't need to expand folders if you're using the Filter Results panel (see Glenn's image). You can toggle off the other panels (right click in an empty space) to fit more thumbnails on your screen. You can also use Ctrl + Wheel to change the zoom level.
  11. Sorry to hear you're having issues. Please contact technical support about this.
  12. Rpadge's method works. Another workaround is to place a temporary object that supports "Make Stack" in the dialog, such as a cabinet or a molding polyline. Add the moldings you would like, select them both (Ctrl + Click), and click "Make Stack". You can add that to the library and then use it for your windows and doors.
  13. You can right-click in the blank space and select the panels to show.
  14. Please do not do that. Copies or exports of items in our catalogs will not give us any relevant information. To send the catalog to tech support, you can find the file in your System Library Database Folder (on windows, this is usually C:/ProgramData/Chief Architect Premier X15/, but you can check yours by opening your Preferences and looking at General -> Folders -> "System Library Database Folder:"). The catalogs will be in either Bonus Libraries/ or Manufacturer Libraries/ and will have a (.calib) extension. Thanks, Eric
  15. Yes, the search field is still there. What are you seeing?