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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. An example of photo manipulation on a chief render.. took 2 hours:
  2. Thank you.. labor of love for sure. People associate me with rendering but I make almost nothing on it like I said. Just something I enjoy doing. I don’t know how to say this without feeling like a braggart… my photo manipulation skills are world class. I compete in photo manipulation contests and help a large number of people in various photo manipulation discord servers. If you don’t know what that is, it’s specifically taking image resources and stitching them together to create a finished and believable image. The only reason I ever got into the art is because of the rendering “misses.” My friends know they will get a couple of prank photos out of me throughout the year..don’t mess with the man that can make you do anything in a photo , ha! nowadays im so fast with photo manipulation that you might catch me replace a rendered window with a real one if I feel like it, and it would be faster than a re-render. here’s an image which was created from the following images. No other images were used… which means you have to take the following images and manipulate them to create the final image I have shown.. no other outside images allowed this was a contest I was a part of. i also created two other images from the collage of provided images. so all 3 were created solely from manipulating the collage images. No painting any pixels allowed, no hand drawing, only manipulation through warping, hue/saturation and curves adjustments, etc. kindve a hobby of mine now
  3. I’ve been offering rendering services and stay competitive overseas for over two decades and I can say with confidence that I don’t do it for the money, haha, I barely make wages on rendering. you have to provide a rendering in under four hours time or you lose your shirt. all the exterior renderings I show in the gallery were all just models provided, no landscape, finish product had to be under four hours. This isn’t your “best-day-ever-no-issues-no revisions-no back and forth emails” 4 hours either. It’s repeatable, I can get all of the detail and quality I want from the first email to the written contract to the final post-processed produced image including custom objects and materials that aren’t always available in the library. other than that you might get a client that wants to do a render and you may do it because you want to, and yes, that’s great, do it and have a blast or do it because you’re bored, or your proud, or because you can’t help yourself. Only times I make money on renderings is when they buy a big stack of them, because then it’s just time in post for me.
  4. Exactly, sometimes Im running multiple jobs at once and this is a life saver...also when I go down to costa rica I don't need to bring a big machine
  5. that's because it is an affiliate link, it does a redirect and tracks your machine so that if you purchase something from the site I get a credit for it
  6. I do and HERE is my affiliate link 10 gpus will not doing anything within chief, they would in a program like thea. but you can rent a 4090. You could also, alternatively, set your sample rate lower and get an AI denoiser to denoise frame by frame.
  7. Sometimes, when I work a rendering too long it becomes an intimate and progressive relationship where I overwork the scene and lose the perspective of the client. That blown out exterior draws you right to it. It’s the first thing I see and it distracts, whereas I should be looking at the architecture. My two cents i am teaching rendering at Dan baumans summit next month, you should check it out
  8. Why not use watercolor render with line over, and make the line squiggly ?
  9. We don’t have HDRI capabilities in the software, so adding colors to your background really make for an inaccurate lighting condition and adds to the amount of time it would take to correct the condition, especially with a color diffused amidst cloud cover. Correcting color casting from a single color like grass is really a single action fix in post edit, and is not a problem by comparison. Food for thought. btw there are a ton of free HDRI’s on the net for comparison, these can be converted to CA jpg backdrops.
  10. FYI these are shot as pano's in TM instead of spherical. Would be nice if they were truly spherical. Also I would you please use a different tree for the tree closest in proximity as it the least realistic. Last note, instead of overexposing, please underexpose, as then we can control it more with backdrop intensity in a raytrace PBR
  11. I made that before they gave us 180 swing here is one that is resizable
  12. Try this one out
  13. FYI you saved the entire assembly as a cabinet door, as opposed to exporting the working cabinet
  14. POST 95 #freesymbolfriday is here for Chief Architect on The Rabbitt Design Feed single click to add this sink with chopping block and faucet...for when you just need a quick good look. Setup with correct offsets and centering get it as always at or Direct at Follow this link for the Rabbitt Design FB Feed for additional content: CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  15. Some google searching will let you know that nearly the entire rendering industry is doing away with multi gpu rendering for a number of reasons.(namely because of how multigpu works outside of a bucket rendering) only software I know of that really makes use of it is Thea
  16. next time just copy the catalogs from the old machine, dump in, and hit update catalogs...easy peasy
  17. You could automate it with macros and breaking it into polylines, orrrrrrrr we could make this way more simple and just drop a text box in..its 4 text boxes..super fast
  18. Inside info is a good way of putting it. We all know each other from years and years of conversations. We all have an idea of who's who as well, Joe in my mind is always the macro king and goes above and beyond in project analysis down in san diego(He's much more than my association with him but the thought is hard coded in my brain). DBCooper has a wealth of knowledge, seemingly rooted in the programs extensive help files, he is relatively new to me in terms of the forum but always points people in the right direction. You'll find over time there are a strong group of maybe 50 users that are extremely knowledgeable in the software. In terms of your dept head, from an outsiders perspective, this points to inexperience. If anyone has been in this business long enough, historical data kindve scoots over for built in experience based numbers...if we are counting stick by stick we are doing something wrong. Lead time is another story, I understand that much. With a little bit of time and effort, you can build the same ordering system in chief with a few caveats...I would argue that you could get to a purchase order faster in chief with a fully built library.
  19. This is me, please tag me so I get notifications or quote me...I just happened upon this while taking a break. Those menu items are ones I created myself by writing macros, they are not built in. I hand scripted the icons in place as well. Takes a bit of coding to set it all up. You can write your own macros using the built in recording function. Mine are a bit complicated in that I wrote in modifiers to gain an additional 3 functions per sqipe on the menus. Let me know if you need more info Current keybinds
  20. you may have a normal map, ao map, or roughness map plugged into the supporting maps, your screen clip doesnt show
  21. Brand new addition to the shop and already getting some rave reviews: Get it here: Watch the vid
  22. Many different ways to do what you are asking in a sense but it depends on what your desired end result is. WHY are you trying to join rooms? is it for the room label? is it for an elevation camera you are trying to detail? Is it for a crown molding you are trying to continue? The why will give us an approach for answering you as this is an unusual request on its own
  23. Thank you very much to the people commenting here. I love hearing that people are loving the tools and I really love seeing photos of your projects @Steve_Matlaga For those that purchased the Pro Plan Template, please check your inbox, an update went out today with a few fixes and 6 new Slab-on-grade details that use the macro quick designation system