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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Would be very helpful if you dropped some notes in your plan to instruct us as to where we should be looking. What room specifically are you trying to modify and on what floor?
  2. Hello Amy, Please take some time to fill out your signature with information such as the version of the software that you are using. The Room Divider tool should be used to divide a kitchen from an unobstructed adjacent room so that your Wall Elevation is contained within the kitchen Room. Alternatively you could Edit The Active View and uncheck Clip To Room and then manually adjust your side clipping, or do as jason said and adjust the Layout Box side clipping in Layout
  3. Where walls are out of square a simple and common practice would be to either have a scribe stile or add a filler so that the final end dimension reads VIF and scribe to wall. additionally, any good cabinet guy should be checking the high point in the existing floor condition before install regardless of what documents say. Seems you may be spending excess time to prevent something that could easily be circumvented by creating a process document for your installers instead of spending “x” on every next plan trying to recreate precision. Chief is a parametric BIM based modeler and provides a wealth of powerful tools that I would consider “smart.” As soon as we create a CAD detail from view then we have created a document that is no longer “smart” and will need to be modified for any new iteration/revision.
  4. There are all sorts of window managers that can do any number of things with screens, but for your question, why aren’t you dropping in your pdf into Chief? Also have you checked out my pdf Photoshop actions?
  5. At everyone here, he is not asking for help with the ceiling break lines, as would be a normal assumption, he is in need of advice on how to properly build his roof as the roof planes he created are not properly built. Best option is to always post a plan file so we can access and assess. No beratement, your post would indicate to us that your challenges were graphical in nature and assuming that you knew how to properly construct a roof. Not an issue, roofs can be very challenging. Have you watched some of the Chief provided videos for roof generation? Can you please post your plan file.
  6. I offer one on one or one on group for advanced training.
  7. I have a few resources in the topo portion of this section on my site
  8. Always easier to post your plan with some text instructions in plan with a leader and a bubble. Otherwise we are just guessing at what you are trying to achieve and what you may be missing. Also adding your version on computer specs in your signature help out a lot as well
  9. How photorealistic does it need to be?..chief can do a pretty good job, but for true photorealism you would need new furniture models.
  10. Search "Parapet" and maybe that helps. What is it exactly that you are trying to do?
  11. Not possible to do, chief doesn't export emitters and usually emitters are on a software by software basis. Probably one of the big reasons for nvidias new platform, trying to make all modeling and rendering softwares speak to each other. As with many modeling and rendering softwares, more often than not I plan on redoing emitters. Certain softwares like thea do not need a dedicated emitter tool as it can be applied as a designation to the material.
  12. POST 50 We've made it the the big L, 50 posts, and 50,000 VIEWS!!!!, and what perfect timing. There are some exclusive items getting dropped today and only available for a short while. The only place you can pick these items and content up are on Chief Architects Instagram Account Chief Architect's Instagram Stories. March 22 Rabbit Design Takeover Follow this link for the Rabbitt Design FB Feed for additional content: CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  13. Mind reposting the images..they are microscopic
  14. Thats not canvas per se btw, your phone or ipads lidar is terribly inaccurate.
  15. Here is a link to a video where I explain the caveats of the canvas scan. FYI I am in the Bay Area as well, and even though it may feel like a rip off, the going rate for an as built is nearly triple the cost of a canvas scan for an accurate as built. So though I find it to be frustrating to fix the scans, it still offer a value service to some. I personally did away with my scan rigs as it is easier for me to draft it in the field with a helper. FYI A matter port scan and conversion costs even more. For a home like this I charge roughly $1700 with a PDF and dwg. For what it's worth as a comparator. It would be a perfect model.
  16. Maybe I will record a video explaining my meaning. If I could draw a parallel to something that probably resonates or you can relate to, I would say that you caught me in a hopeful statement, and the hope was that you would just take my word for it. Decades in this software, and short of needing to produce a video explaining all of the reasons not to manually drag walls, I would rather just let it be letter of the law. Truth is that there are some instances when it is the preferred method, so we will likely never manage to get chief to block the function altogether. To be clear, it has has nothing to do with accuracy but rather the problems that can occur from dragging walls no matter how accurately you draw them. If you are truly one for accuracy, then you really should just be moving your floor heights instead anyways, unless there is a condition that I could not think of to handle with a pony wall/steam wall configuration. When you dragged your exterior wall, weren't you dragging a framed wall below your floor assembly level? I can guarantee that with enough projects under your belt in this software that you will run into these problems. Not a matter of if, and not an assumption. Again, dragging a wall is not effecting the platform structure. Thank you for the kind words, and I do have a clunky old video about floor heights that I need to redo and i'll make sure to post it here. Please no love lost here, I have always enjoyed your post contribution including this thread, and I like the opportunity to see new workflows even if I don't adopt them.
  17. I’ve run into this problem with all of my sinks which have worked with every version up to this point. It started to occur when they patched the issue with the custom countertop material glitch
  18. I didn’t watch the full video the first time through because I was having trouble hearing it in my office at the time, apologies, but now after having watched it I would definitely encourage you to look to some additional approaches. As most of the power users here would agree, manually dragging exterior walls is not a very good practice. This software is platform based and you are not modifying the platform assembly when you manually drag a wall. In fact many of the problems we run into in this forum stem from users manually dragging walls. Pulling a cross section confirms this, your floor heights remain unchanged. Not to mention you would need to manually adjust your walls in other elevations to match. I personally can quickly build out a multiple level walkout just utilizing additional floors with rooms to designate foundation steps. About your layer settings, you could have a cad detail with different lines and simply delete the lines that aren’t used(again this is with the intention of cleaning up custom layers, which would be my preference) no offense to Scott Hall but trying to work on one of his plans is as dizzying as it gets with so many custom layers. At times it may be necessary to handoff for my workflow anyway. Is there a reason you are not specifying structure in your floor defaults at the start of a project? Any reason not to specify your floor defaults? pulling a cross section and using a different active dimension default with the manual dimension tool can perform a platform check Lightning fast
  19. Ok so then I think there is a disconnect in my understanding. Is it that you have a CAD detail that is being used for reference heights? You don't need to have additional layers just to have a different line style for an individual line. It's the additional layers that add a ton of complexity to a default template plan. Again, just trying to help simplify your template plan for scalability. You could also be saving rooms to style pallets to drop structure to reference points without needing to drag walls.
  20. I think I gathered that you are using layers to drive line style. I personally think it is far easier to simply use line style from your library or even your toolbars instead, as it is just click and draw and doesnt require having additional layers, modifying multiple layer sets or changing layers/changing the active cad layer
  21. I don’t follow what you are showing me here, how are layers controlling your floor joist types? Maybe I have a better method