Is There A Way To Change The 'name' Of An Electrical Item?


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I'm setting my electrical schedules for the first time using the symbols and the 'name' of an electrical item shows up in the description column of the electrical schedule and I'd like the name, for instance, of the 'Bryant Sconce' to just read 'Sconce' or something more generic so my client can spec it with the designer or on their own terms.


Can that name be changed? I would just leave off the description column but I need other items described like smoke and CO detectors etc. I could also not include them in the schedule but would like to show something for the over mirror bathroom lighting etc.





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  On 2/13/2016 at 4:48 PM, MPDesign said:


In the fixture (component) dbx


OR...Open Symbol>Symbol Name


The Description field in the Components dbx gets it's information from the Symbol Name field in the Symbol Specification dbx which in turn is tied to the library name (the latter 2 are one and the same)


-If you change the Description field, it has no affect on the symbol name or the name of the library item.

-If you change the Symbol name after the symbol has been placed in the plan, it will automatically change the Description field but unless you add the re-named symbol to the library, the symbol in your library will remain unchanged.

-If the item is added to your user library, any changes made inside the library (either through the library browser itself or by changing the symbol name in the symbol dbx) will affect the other 2. really depends on what your overall goal is. 

-If its a one time thing, change either the Description field or the Symbol Name, don't see why it would make much of a a difference.

-If you want to use it again in the future and want the symbol name and description column to match, just change the Symbol Name and add it to your user library.

-If you want to use it again in the future and want the symbol name and description column to remain different, modify the Description and add it to your user library. 

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