Close All Unsavd Cameras At Once Command?


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As I'm working I usually end up with a zillion camera tabs. This is likely because I just click on ortho overview every time I want to see the model instead of trying to find the correct tab I created last time. .

Is there a nifty command in chief to close all the "unsaved" view tabs at once?

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As I'm working I usually end up with a zillion camera tabs. This is likely because I just click on ortho overview every time I want to see the model instead of trying to find the correct tab I created last time. .

Is there a nifty command in chief to close all the "unsaved" view tabs at once?

I have never had this problem.  If you close the view  (which you have not saved),  doesn't the camera go away?  I am not sure what the problem is.


Do you really have more than a couple of camera views open at one time?  I do not think this is good practice to have more than a couple of camera views open because the more cameras you have open,  the slower the program.'

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I have never had this problem.  If you close the view  (which you have not saved),  doesn't the camera go away?  I am not sure what the problem is.


Do you really have more than a couple of camera views open at one time?  I do not think this is good practice to have more than a couple of camera views open because the more cameras you have open,  the slower the program.'

 I personally create a lot of camera views too during my workflow and spend a lot of time closing them.  I'm usually forced to use the tabs as selecting the individual cameras seems to take even longer and can be a little more difficult to sort through. 

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It does not close them all at once, but what I have done is to assign, I think it is the close window command, to the F4 key.  That is an old windows standard I think.  Anyway, you have to press it each time you want to close a view, but it is quick and it does not close any views that you may not actually want to close.


That and driving the plan view from Layout and setting up the camera defaults cleans things up quite a bit.  This way a Layout box view becomes the organizing factor, therefore there is generally less need for a ton of unrelated views.

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Try this nifty command, I think it is exactly what you are looking for.

In plan view, 3D...Remove 3D.


It will delete any unsaved cameras and close (but not delete) any saved cameras. 


You know Glenn...not sure whether I want to give you a hug or punch you in the face sometimes. 




That's an awesome tip.  Not sure I've ever used that tool before. Thank you : )

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Thanks for the kind words guys, that is everyone except Michael who just wants to punch me out! :(

I assume you know I was kidding.  I am absolutely and sincerely thankful for all your help.  And for the record,  I added Remove 3D to my of my new favorites : )

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You know, it's really weird how simple things can be and how easily tools and features are overlooked.

I am sure that Remove 3D has been there since I started using Chief way back in the Dark Ages. 


Michael, that's just Australian sarcasm - terrible, isn't it.

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You know, it's really weird how simple things can be and how easily tools and features are overlooked.

I am sure that Remove 3D has been there since I started using Chief way back in the Dark Ages. 


Michael, that's just Australian sarcasm - terrible, isn't it.


Not at all.  I figured it was.  Just wanted to make sure though : )

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