Significant Slow down in performance


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My staff and I have noticed significant slow down in performance lately.  We mostly all use the same computers except for one and we all experience the same issues.


Usually once a plan gets over a certain size and / or we begin populating it with cabinets and other fixtures it can take 3-7 seconds to refresh with every move.  CA support says it's my fills in my wall types but we have tested this by removing all fills with no impact.  The only thing I can think is maybe there are some library objects I have created lately that might be slowing it down however these are not anything created outside of what CA already has provided in their library and mostly still basic.


I would love to hear some feedback if anyone has experienced this and what you did to resolve the lag if you were able.

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I may have answered my own question, in doing some testing I found that Auto Framing was on by unchecking all auto framing it did help quite a bit which would make sense if it has to rebuild the framing everytime you nudge a wall in the slightest movement.  Still seems slow for typical operation however but it has improved.

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  On 3/20/2025 at 2:00 PM, amddrafting said:

I would love to hear some feedback if anyone has experienced this and what you did to resolve the lag if you were able.


I have seen plans where a certain plan view fill pattern was causing the slow down. The simpler the pattern, the better. 

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I noticed sometimes opening up the dbx for objects is slow and then remains slow, but if I shut down CA and restart it will then speed back up.


But in terms of placing objects, I do not see a noticeable slowdown

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I am running into this as well- contacted tech support and provided them with soem rep[orts from my machine.

1st reply was-

It looks like you have a program called Nahimic running on your computer. Nahimic is an audio management service that sometimes comes preinstalled on gaming computers, and especially on Alienware computers, and is incompatible with Chief Architect, often causing crashing or preventing the program from starting. To get around this, we have to disable the Nahimic Service.


This did help but at times I still have view that seem to temp lock up briefly-




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tech also suggested the following -


Another thing I'm noticing in your system information that might make an impact is OneDrive. Chief Architect expects all files its reading and writing to be local on your machine, and if any of those files are on the cloud or being backed up to the cloud, that can cause slowness, freezing, and even plan file corruption in the program. You could try pausing any OneDrive sync or moving your Data folder out of OneDrive in Preferences.


I am open to moving my data folder off OneDrive but am concerned that since i access files from multiple machines, it may cause issues here?


any input is appreciated.

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Be sure your OneDrive files are set to 'Always keep on this device'.  That will keep a local copy on your computer.  That said, I keep the CA Data file directly on OneDrive (not in the Documents folder), and kept locally, BUT I have a local folder for plans currently in use.  I agree that OneDrive causes program and plan slowness; I hated working with my plans in Documents on OneDrive.

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