Place Library Object


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In the object DBX, Options, sits on a base cabinet or table.

OR in the general tab, finished floor to bottom. 

If the object is in your user library, you can change it before placing (maybe make a duplicate first. If not in user library place on the floor, open and change height off floor.


IF the object you are trying to place in on has a higher bounding box than where you want it set (like a washing machine or stove with a head) and your object floats above it lower the object using tansform replicate, z axix

OR you can't drag it in place when at correct height hold down the control key

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On 2/13/2025 at 12:51 AM, chiefuserJason94 said:

How to get 'PLACE LIBRARY OBJECT' to sit on top of an existing one in the same floating tool when dragging and dropping X16

You have to place it just to the right or to the bottom of your other Tool in that specific Toolbar when dragging the Place Library Object Tool. Don't place it too far away from the previous tool or it will create a new Toolbar

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