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Hey all,
Struggling to export my Chief drawings to CAD to correct scale. One day was working fine, now it is exporting way out of scale.
I have tried fixing it in chief with the unit conversions, creating a 1:1 scale. nothing changes. 
Only resolve is if I go into CAD, copy my export, select scale, and type 12.
There has to be a way to fix it from happening every time.

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That could be it. However, I can seemlessly export the the existing floor plan that i have saved in chief from a different date. But with the proposed, everything is out of scale and I am exporting them into the same CAD file. 
In CAD I have it set to Arch. 

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...and (just to clarify) are you exporting from plan view or from the layout?


From there, without seeing exactly the step by step process you are following, it would be difficult to troubleshoot.  I'd recommend calling tech support where they can walk through the process with you to help find the culprit.


Best of luck...hope you aren't on a time crunch....nothing more fun. ;)

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So just going to throw out some more random guesses...


Are you working in a plan that was started with a template that was in imperial units?


Are you exporting from a PLAN view or are you exporting from a layout or a cad detail?  Layouts are always in paper space units and not real world units.


When you are in the "export drawing" dialog, are you choosing inches ("in" ) or are you choosing some other units?


Did you mess around with your "unit conversions" in your preferences?


Assuming that you are exporting an imperial plan view, choosing inches, and you haven't changed your unit conversions, it should just work.  You might want to post your plan and someone can see if they can tell what is going on.  Other than that, I would agree with Ben and suggest tech support.


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1 hour ago, jenmarsch said:

Struggling to export my Chief drawings to CAD to correct scale.

I wouldn't worry about this too much.


Anybody working with Autocad deals with this sort of thing on a regular basis.


The scale tool in Autocad can fix this in under 1/2 a second.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Export to Dwg in inches rather than feet. In the Export Drawing dialogue box, under Other Options, set the Scaling Unit to Inches. I had that problem and had to figure out why it happened. It should work. It works for me. Good luck!!!

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