Square foot Schedule


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I'm using CA15 I know I've seen a video somewhere that shows how to make a square foot schedule for the layout. I've seen it and done it before, but cannot find it anywhere - I've searched for two days now! Just a simple schedule showing Heated, Garage, and porch square footages.



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It's been a bit since I've touched X15 but I want to say being able to add CAD Polylines to Schedules was introduced then.

But you should be able to create Room Polylines or Standard Area Polylines based on the rooms, then set those to be included in a schedule.


I'm not seeing a specific video on the topic but there was a webinar they have recorded https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10286/schedules.html

I scrubbed through it and found a bit about polyline schedules for terrain at around the 1h 29m mark.

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