changing floor framing members


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This has got to be a simple answer.  I am trying to change the default floor framing members from TJI's to Lumber but can't seem to find it in the defaults.  I have gone to the default setting/framing/general framing but does not let me change it there.  How have I been doing this for so long and I can't figure this out.

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2 hours ago, cjanderson66 said:

that tells me nothing as it does not give me the opportunity to change from TJI's to standard lumber.  The floor structure default does not list materials only for rim joists.


Yes it does...

Open defaults, go to the floor, then "floor structure".  Make the changes. You may have to reframe the floor for the new to take effect. 

Note: If you have gone into each room and manually changed the floor structure in the plan...then these rooms will no longer be "default", making this change will have no effect. You will have to reset each room to use default. can do as @DBCooper suggested. If you change the floor/ceiling platform, go into the floor structure tab and make sure it is set to use "default". 



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