Just simple inches


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I feel like this is a really dumb question but I am stumped.  I am simply trying report the window elevation (or height) in a window schedule in inches only but no matter what I try, it won't do it.  I have attached a screenshot of the window schedule.  The last 3 columns are about the elevation (I want to end up with one).  The third from the right is the bottom elevation as I used to use it.  This column shows the measurement in the right format but it measures the elevation from the floor that the window is on.  I'm trying to make a column that shows the distance from the 0 mark.  So I created two additional columns and I can get the right elevation showing but no matter what I try, I can't get it to show it in inches only, like the format of the Bottom Elevation column.  Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance! 


Window Schedule.png

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I usually do not give my window heights on the elevation view, maybe I'm weird that way :).  This is the elevation view of the project where this came up. Normally the elevation height when given off the particular floor the window is on is good (as in the schedule - column "Bottom Elev.") but in this case it is a window in a fake dormer and no floor so that measurement given from the second floor (actually not sure why Chief reports it as that when there is no 2nd floor, but I guess that is beside the point) is useless.  With this plan I did add an elevation marker on the elevation view but that 17-1/16 in the schedule bugs me because it is a useless number so that is why I tried to have it report as the elevation height taken from 0.  I mostly got it but I was hoping to make it perfect and get it shown in inches only (with fractions) instead of inches in the decimal way.    


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Trying to think like a framer, because that is who needs to know each openings R.O. H x W and how placed in elevation, I am in favor of placing it on the window schedule, but as this situation shows, it ought to be editable.  I'd place a decorative window like this one in elevation view and adjust its position so it looks right to the eye, then check in section view to see where it is with a dimension, and adjust a tiny bit so as not to make the framer do anything to eighths or sixteenths.


As for reporting in inches or feet-inches, I don't think the framer cares.  His tapes read both ways.

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Since it is just one window, try this after saving the plan file.  Go to your elevation view on level 2 and CTRL + X the window.  Then go to level 1 in the same elevation view and CTRL + ALT + V back into place.   This should fix the schedule and make the Elevation column unnecessary.  Then you need to deal with your plan views and clean them up.

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That's a clever idea but I get a warning when I try that.  I think that is because the gable wall (its just going to be a roof truss with an opening for the window) of the dormer doesn't line up with the main floor wall below. 

I guess I might just have to stay with having the measurement displayed in the decimal version unless there is a script or code that will show it in the fraction version?  It seems a bit silly with everything that this fabulous program can do, that although I can have a measurement displayed as meters, centimeters, millimeters, yards, feet & inches, inches only as decimal but not as a measurement with inches in the fraction style version. :o

Thanks for the replies!!


Elevation 2.png

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6 hours ago, QualicoreHomes said:

maybe I'm weird that way :).

Ha, not weird but I guess you have your reasons. 
However, rough carpenters are even weirder and I know if I made my carpenters look up a schedule for window heights, they’d throw a 2x4 at me… lol 


I usually show the heights along with the dimensions right on the elevation views. 

The brick layer and supplier are used to working off elevations as well. I doubt they even know how to read a schedule. ;)

Something like this below…



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  • Solution

In case you wanted an answer to your original question, when you create the custom field check off "Format as a Number"


Then open your window schedule and click on "Number Formatting" 


You'll find custom field "Elevation" is missing from this table.  I created an "Elevation2" and "Elevation3" as a example.  For both I checked "Format as a Number" and both appear in this table. I then formatted Elevation2 and left Elevation3 unformatted.  Look at the results.



Lastly, %bottom_elevation% reports in raw inches to begin with.  I had to change my window elevation reference to "Absolute" to get the second floor window bottom elevations to measure from 0.  I am curious how you were able to mix the measurements in the same line.  Your W02 measures Bottom Elev. from floor elevation, while both Comments/Elevation measure from Absolute.



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Thanks for your reply and insight, I would never have figured it out like that!!  

As to your question, I don't remember 100% anymore as I deleted those columns since then but I believe that for the Bottom Elev. column in that schedule I had selected "Bottom" in the "Available Columns" in the Schedule Specifications (attached picture) and for the other columns it was taking the information from Bottom Elevation or Elevation.  Not sure if that makes sense or not :)   

Thanks again for everyone's help!!

Schedule Specification.png

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