Structure details


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Hi all,


I am using X15.

I am looking into adding a sheet for wood framing details,  to include things such as standard windows within wood framing flashing details, door to wall, roof to wall, stucco, wall to foundation, flashing membrane, etc. The house is pretty standard 2 stories with 2x4 exterior/interior walls, so general standard details would be good enough. My mentor told me this should be done by architect, not structure engineer.. .Does chief provide/generate these? What is the best way to get this done?


Thanks! Have a great holiday and may the force be with you!


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Draw them manually, use the back-clipped back section camera and cut the details from your model, download the details library, bring CAD details into a CAD Detail and adjust. Many ways to do it.

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CA always has sample plans on the Home page. 


Not that they may be relevant to your project, but there's really helpful information, as well as some nicely detailed kitchens and baths.


Check out a few of the plans and layouts for some boiler plate details and notes.


Good stuff you will find there. 



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On 7/4/2024 at 12:12 PM, leyi123 said:

so general standard details would be good enough


Chief has some Standard "Starter Details*" , in the CAD Block Library , they may not be applicable Code Wise to your Locale though, but will give you an idea on what is needed.


*Those Details can be "unblocked" and altered as needed , just remember everything in Chief is true size (1:1) and not scaled until you send it to Layout.



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Thank all for the tips!


I can't find the "Standard "Starter Details*" , in the CAD Block Library", :((  can I have some detailed steps of how to find them?@Kbird1 (sorry I can't undo the bold font for some reason).


And @VHampton, I downloaded some sample plans, but when I opened them, I can't switch views to see different views, there is only "None" available in the "View" drop down list... what do I miss?


Thank you!

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10 minutes ago, leyi123 said:

Thank all for the tips!


I can't find the "Standard "Starter Details*" , in the CAD Block Library", :((  can I have some detailed steps of how to find them?@Kbird1 (sorry I can't undo the bold font for some reason).


And @VHampton, I downloaded some sample plans, but when I opened them, I can't switch views to see different views, there is only "None" available in the "View" drop down list... what do I miss?


Thank you!


Perhaps do your Forum Signature as the Version of Chief you use may have different answers....



and make sure you have loaded the Full Core Library, as that's where they are. 




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I am using X15 and I have made sure to install the latest "core library".

Here is what I have:


 I found some potentially useful details under Floors and Roof Eaves under the CAD blocks, but why is there not a "Wall" subdirectory? I browsed around and can't find details regarding connections between walls and other components....

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:51 PM, joey_martin said:

use the back-clipped back section camera and cut the details from your model


I don't think Chief had update the Details in years, partially due to the fact that Chief doesn't guarantee anything is "To Code" and doesn't do structural calcs at all.

Many Eng. provide Details for structural conditions though , if not for "typical" conditions, so ask.


As Joey mentioned you may need to make you own with a Back Clipped Camera thru the Wall of the Project. 


there are also Wall assemblies online from different manufacturers, and some jurisdictions provide "sample" Details as well



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