Space Planning Questions


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Using space planning tool for 1st time and have a few questions:


  • Can the "Room Box" objects be scheduled?  For example to sum the areas?
  • I notice the labeled dimensions of the room box don't accurately show the box polyline size.  See below snapshot.  It appears it's backing out a 4" wide wall.|
    Is this something that can be controlled or is it hard coded?





Thanks again,




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No schedule or Object Information, so nope.



As far as I know everything with space planning is all hard coded, and you're absolutely right it's adjusting size because the intent is not how you have your boxes arranged in your screenshot, rather it's reducing size because it's going to build walls where the boxes meet.


take something like this:


and turn it into this:



It's giving estimated room sizes - your job is to just mash the boxes together and let the program magically make a house. It's just unfortunate that room boxes aren't editable in any way. Great if all your rooms are perfectly rectangular though.


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6 hours ago, Chrisb222 said:

It's a great tool. For irregular shaped rooms, I place two or more boxes where they need to be to approximate the shape, and then delete those unneeded walls after conversion.


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Is this the secret handshake?

  • Rooms can be overlapped: when this is the case, the room box edges drawn in front will be converted to walls when the Build House  tool is used. By default, smaller rooms draw over larger rooms; however, you can control their drawing order. See Drawing Groups.


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