X15 Catalog Update "error" -- Catalog Could Not Be Found on the Server


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Has anyone experienced these report errors after trying to update the catalog set  in the library?  I've deleted the CAD Block Bonus Catalog, reran the update and it's clean.  I downloaded the catalog anew / FRESH from the website and installed it successfully.  BAM.... same error returns when I press the "Update Library Catalogs" button.  See screenshot below.  Thanks for any help you can provide,   Mark


PS -- I'll add commentary that we are a bit frustrated with the new library format -- it changes (probably due to user farble) and it's not very intuitive how to return to the format we were used to when searching libraries, getting confused when there is a filter set (that makes catalogs disappear).   Yes, we can work with it, but seriously lacks some intuition it used to contain. 


PSS -- Also a bit confusing with Catalog Updates:  If the Time Tracker timeout pops up during a catalog install or library catalog update -- the program appears to FREEZE during operation with no way to take action.  This happened when installing the HUGE Kohler catalog and Task Manager said CA was NOT RESPONDING.  I was about to force it to end, when it suddenly finished.  It should never freeze preventing any action, like accepting the Time Tracker.   And either way -- a Catalog Update always leaves the last catalog showing as 100% completed when the attached error message shows up, leading one to believe THE ERROR MESSAGE APPLIES TO THE LAST CATALOG until you carefully read the message (in my case:  message for CAD BLOCKS and Last Catalog: ZLINE.   Not related.)


Thanks for listening to the PS/S  ...

Screenshot 2023-05-12 100332.png

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On 5/12/2023 at 8:33 AM, 5FT-20Designs said:

Yes, there are about 15 catalogs that haven’t been updated.


My guess is you don't have all Libraries installed as my error message shows 118  ATM, but like you I think Chief's Content Team is still playing catch up with Full X15 Libraries. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, MPhillips said:

any prognosis on when Chief will get the librarys fixed?


As far as I know there is nothing to "fix" , the list is really just X14 Libraries yo have installed ( and can use) that there is no equivalent X15 Library to Update with yet.


Maybe Chief will comment ?   @Chief_Content



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I get the same error with the BonusCadBlocks, as well as 14 others.  I know some of my libraries are from old versions and they don't have them anymore, but as you point out, the CADBlocks library is still listed in their library online and even has an X15 option so that doesn't make sense.  I'll put in a bug report on that.

2023 05 23 Catalog update 01.JPG

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Thanks for tagging us here, @Kbird1. Your assessment is correct!


The error you see means that a newer version of the catalog has not been posted to the 3D Library in X15 file format. The catalogs that you are interacting with in your library browser were likely migrated forward from a previous release, and their X15 counterparts have either been retired, or were still in development at the time you checked for updates.


I believe the CAD Block library is the last remaining catalog pending to be converted to the X15 format. We are aware of this case and working to improve the catalog before we publish it for X15.


If you are seeing messages for many catalogs, as @Christina_Girerdis experiencing, there could be multiple things happening.

  1. The catalog is retired. This happens occasionally when a brand ends their partnership with us or hasn't been available to continue the update process. If the catalog represents a brand you would like to see updated, please reach out to your brand reps and ask them to re-ignite the conversation. We are happy to do the same. All inquiries about brand partners can be sent to content@chiefarchitect.com
  2. The catalog is a duplicate or older version than is hosted on the 3D Library. If you see that a catalog in this dialog is still available on the 3D Library in spite of the error when you update, it is likely that the version on your system isn't being recognized by the update process (and you are likely a long-time user - thanks for sticking with us!) The easiest way to correct this is to remove the offending catalog from your Library Browser (if you are worried about back-ups, you can browse through your file system and manage this prior to removing from the browser); then visit the 3D Library and download the catalog directly from there. Installing the newly downloaded .CALIBZ should put you back into sync with the system. 


Ultimately, this dialog may be a greater annoyance than it is an impact to your workflow - you still have access to all of the content you had before. The dialog is a helpful way to communicate the state your catalogs are in, and especially in the case listed in #2 above, can inform you that you may not have the most current selection of catalog downloads, and that some maintenance can be done to improve your access to distributed content.


I hope this helps clarify!




Adrean Stephenson, Content Development Manager

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13 minutes ago, Chief_Content said:

Thanks for tagging us here, @Kbird1.

I hope this helps clarify!




Adrean Stephenson


Ouch :)   I've got trouble then, as today I am showing 106 Catalogues I thought Chief was still working on to bring X15 Versions out on , but you say only the CAD Blocks Library is left to do....


I am a long time User as you allude too , and always migrate forward , simply because Chief only allows us to Download Libraries individually and there are now over 450 of them...  more on that List here :





So the Fix is to Delete all Libraries in the List and reinstall them from the X15 Catalogue?






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@Kbird1, it does seem that something may not be working quite right in your case. That is a lot of files failing to update.


Either your migrated catalog files have a different ID than the ones hosted on the 3D Library, or something is failing in the connection process for you.


It might make sense to send a few copies of your catalog files to Support, so they can start a ticket. One of the development team should be able to compare your files with those on the server to understand if the update "SHOULD" work for you.


If they DON'T match, you likely will need to do the maintenance of re-downloading catalogs that I mentioned in my post.

If they DO match, there might be some other connection issue preventing your system from talking to the 3D Library effectively. This may need further investigation.

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4 minutes ago, Chief_Content said:

@Kbird1, it does seem that something may not be working quite right in your case. That is a lot of files failing to update.


Either your migrated catalog files have a different ID than the ones hosted on the 3D Library, or something is failing in the connection process for you.


It might make sense to send a few copies of your catalog files to Support, so they can start a ticket. One of the development team should be able to compare your files with those on the server to understand if the update "SHOULD" work for you.


If they DON'T match, you likely will need to do the maintenance of re-downloading catalogs that I mentioned in my post.

If they DO match, there might be some other connection issue preventing your system from talking to the 3D Library effectively. This may need further investigation.


It's been like this since I updated to X15 , and I just assumed the Content Team was still playing catch up....... and I know from talking to my clients and other Users that I am not the only one with high numbers of Failed updates.


So I need to export the whole Catalogue and them send them to TS? is that how to do it?





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You could also do a simple 1-off test.


  • Target a specific catalog to test that we are confident is in X15 format - BonusBarstools2.
  • Remove this catalog from your Library Browser
  • From the 3D Library, download the X14 version of this catalog.
  • image.png.c2abbc014ba7e0330e998a8cb1849fe4.png
  • Install the downloaded X14 catalog into X15 (drag the .CALIBZ from your downloads folder onto the Chief Architect workspace)
  • Close and Relaunch Chief (just for good measure)
  • Is the update icon displayed for Barstools No.2? image.png.ec36874dbe53c3e4dd26226b916c98b4.png
  • If you choose to update the single catalog, does it work?
  • image.png.7d1ad1bec8863597825a8605d1e94abf.png
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1 minute ago, Chief_Content said:



You could also do a simple 1-off test.


  • Target a specific catalog to test that we are confident is in X15 format - BonusBarstools2.
  • Remove this catalog from your Library Browser
  • From the 3D Library, download the X14 version of this catalog.
  • image.png.c2abbc014ba7e0330e998a8cb1849fe4.png
  • Install the downloaded X14 catalog into X15 (drag the .CALIBZ from your downloads folder onto the Chief Architect workspace)
  • Close and Relaunch Chief (just for good measure)
  • Is the update icon displayed for Barstools No.2? image.png.ec36874dbe53c3e4dd26226b916c98b4.png
  • If you choose to update the single catalog, does it work?
  • image.png.7d1ad1bec8863597825a8605d1e94abf.png



thanks Adrean , let me give this a go now....





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12 minutes ago, Chief_Content said:


No, we don't need the whole catalogue system. We'll need just 1 or 2 samples that are on your machine. I'll send you a DM with steps.



Yep, I just did the Bonus Barstools2 as you mentioned for a test and it worked , ie it updated to the X15 Version with a single Catalog Update from X14.  So only 105 to go now :) , I suspect these are mostly older Catalogues I have had years and the IDs maybe messed up as you mentioned.


*** Oh - I think you were talking about what to send to Tech. Support....   not this test.



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Okay! I'm glad that worked! @Kbird1


I know it can be inconvenient to do the individual downloads - perhaps you can span the process out over a few days to ease the repetition a bit!


You can also do a test of just trying the right-click "Update" feature on a few catalogs (without downloading anything from the 3D Library), there is a possibility that full update could be failing, but individual catalog updates may work. If this it the case, it would save you a little effort and would also be good for us to know and address.

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2 minutes ago, Chief_Content said:

Okay! I'm glad that worked! @Kbird1


I know it can be inconvenient to do the individual downloads - perhaps you can span the process out over a few days to ease the repetition a bit!


You can also do a test of just trying the right-click "Update" feature on a few catalogs (without downloading anything from the 3D Library), there is a possibility that full update could be failing, but individual catalog updates may work. If this it the case, it would save you a little effort and would also be good for us to know and address.


Okay thanks for sticking with me here Adrean , I will work on this a bit and then send in a Report to TS....



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Quick followup .............trying with some of the Manufacturer's Libraries and it seems if I don't delete the Old Catalogues 1st, Chief is unable to overwrite the existing Catalogues with the X14 downloads......  or the X15 downloads either, so I think I need to clean out my Library.....





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2 hours ago, Chief_Content said:

It might make sense to send a few copies of your catalog files to Support, so they can start a ticket. One of the development team should be able to compare your files with those on the server to understand if the update "SHOULD" work for you.


For others who might like to make a Report to Tech. Support too, you need to copy the "Bad" Catalogue to your User Library 1st , then you can Export it , to send to Tech Support.





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40 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:


For others who might like to make a Report to Tech. Support too, you need to copy the "Bad" Catalogue to your User Library 1st , then you can Export it , to send to Tech Support.




Please do not do that. Copies or exports of items in our catalogs will not give us any relevant information.


To send the catalog to tech support, you can find the file in your System Library Database Folder (on windows, this is usually C:/ProgramData/Chief Architect Premier X15/, but you can check yours by opening your Preferences and looking at General -> Folders -> "System Library Database Folder:").


The catalogs will be in either Bonus Libraries/ or Manufacturer Libraries/ and will have a (.calib) extension.





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3 minutes ago, Eric_S said:


Please do not do that. Copies or exports of items in our catalogs will not give us any relevant information.


To send the catalog to tech support, you can find the file in your System Library Database Folder (on windows, this is usually C:/ProgramData/Chief Architect Premier X15/, but you can check yours by opening your Preferences and looking at General -> Folders -> "System Library Database Folder:").


The catalogs will be in either Bonus Libraries/ or Manufacturer Libraries/ and will have a (.calib) extension.







Thanks Eric,  I did not get that from Adrean's Post , so will find them as noted above instead.



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On 5/24/2023 at 9:36 AM, Kbird1 said:

I will work on this a bit and then send in a Report to TS....


I am working with Tech Support on this, and they have a Developer involved, so I will post back soon, with the "Fix" when I have it.



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Okay Chief Support has replied and they were able to reproduce the issue with the Libraries I supplied. 


Starting in X15 each Catalog has a Unique ID number the new Library system now uses too to ID each Catalog, whereas previously it used the name of the Catalog,

and somehow the ID on the 106 Libraries I have failing has been corrupted somehow, ( they aren't sure how ) and so the Fix has to be on the User's End not Chief's End as the Chief Updater can't overwrite the existing corrupt files,


So they must be deleted 1st and then you can use the Library's Built in "Online View" to redownload the offending Libraries. Unfortunately, it is still a 1 by 1 process,

(It is also a handy list of the offending files you need to delete 1st above, as Chief doesn't think they are installed yet. )


Some Libraries are obsolete or have been replaced, or renamed eg Bonus Shower Hardware is now Bathroom Fixtures #4 


I also could not get Chief to Delete the Marvin Windows Catalog ( Chief hung trying to do so ) so I simply deleted the .calib file from the

  C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Manufacturer Libraries                 Folder and Chief was able to reinstall it.


*** Just a reminder that   BonusCADBlocks   is the only Library not with an equivalent X15 Library yet and should be the only "unsuccessful" update.


Image Supplied by TS to show how to enable "Online View" ( with some of my faulty Libraries shown )





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I've reduced my problem list to three catalogs.  The CadBlocks that just isn't ready yet, then one for AdamsWood and BonusPlants.  I deleted the Adams Wood Products catalog I had, thinking it was this "AdamsWood" catalog, but it still is listed as not being found even when there is no catalog with that or a similar name in the library.  When I add the Adams Wood Products catalog back in the library, it says it updates successfully, but I still see a notice for this AdamsWood catalog that I can't find.  The other problem is that I can't find a way to delete the BonusPlants catalog.  See the second image - I right-clicked on it and it has a different right-click menu than the other catalogs - with no delete, but a "Vacuum".  It doesn't have the little door symbol in the catalog icon, so I'm sure it's an old legacy issue.  Any suggestions?

2023 05 30 Catalog update 03.JPG

2023 05 30 Catalog update cant delete.JPG

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5 hours ago, Christina_Girerd said:

Any suggestions?


When I search the Online Library ( on the Web )  I don't find an Adams Wood Catalogue, is it from an older Version than X14 perhaps?


You could try deleting the Adams Wood .calib file from :


  C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Manufacturer Libraries


or    for the Bonus Plants  here :             


C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Bonus Libraries


In my case there were actually (2) Marvin Windows .calib files , one with an x14 in the name, so perhaps you have something like that going on too?







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1 hour ago, Kbird1 said:

You could try deleting the Adams Wood .calib file from :


  C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Manufacturer Libraries


or    for the Bonus Plants  here :             


C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Bonus Libraries

That did it. Thank you very much!

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