warning. Output verry verry verry bad. Then they ripped me off on the price


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I just had the worse experience with canvas, the output was bad, verry verry bad. Then they ripped me off on the price. 


The scan is completely unusable the measurements are off by about 10%, my 1 story house is now 2 stores, strange objects and errors everywhere within in the CA file (attached). Simple thigs like stucco are showing up as siding. Walls form nonexistent first floor to through the second floor. Just garbage. 


The home is about 1400 Sqft. As per the website the price was $0.20 + 0.05(extra .05 for exterior). Maby if we include the deck another 200 Sqft. Yet they charged me for 3600 Sqft. They made up a whole floor then charged me based on that. 


When I contacted canvas, they blamed my scanning technique and offered to fix the file if is sent them the correct measurements. So they expect me to waste time to sending correct measurement ??


So far they have not responded to the price issue, but since the file is complete garbage I want my money back.  Lets see where it goes will keep you posted. 

Mar 4, 2022 at 11-45-27 AM.plan

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Here is a link to a video where I explain the caveats of the canvas scan.

FYI I am in the Bay Area as well, and even though it may feel like a rip off, the going rate for an as built is nearly triple the cost of a canvas scan for an accurate as built. So though I find it to be frustrating to fix the scans, it still offer a value service to some. I personally did away with my scan rigs as it is easier for me to draft it in the field with a helper.
FYI A matter port scan and conversion costs even more. For a home like this I charge roughly $1700 with a PDF and dwg. For what it's worth as a comparator. It would be a perfect model.

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3 hours ago, Renerabbitt said:

Here is a link to a video where I explain the caveats of the canvas scan.

FYI I am in the Bay Area as well, and even though it may feel like a rip off, the going rate for an as built is nearly triple the cost of a canvas scan for an accurate as built. So though I find it to be frustrating to fix the scans, it still offer a value service to some. I personally did away with my scan rigs as it is easier for me to draft it in the field with a helper.
FYI A matter port scan and conversion costs even more. For a home like this I charge roughly $1700 with a PDF and dwg. For what it's worth as a comparator. It would be a perfect model.

YP that's why I have been looking to switching. And its only 1700 if you are not paying them to come out and do it, if you buy the Equpment much cheaper. Will give it a shot on the next one. Cant use as builts that are 10% per room. 

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34 minutes ago, divreig said:

YP that's why I have been looking to switching. And its only 1700 if you are not paying them to come out and do it, if you buy the Equpment much cheaper. Will give it a shot on the next one. Cant use as builts that are 10% per room. 

Thats not canvas per se btw, your phone or ipads lidar is terribly inaccurate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok after a lot of back and forth canvas refunded me for that file. So that's in there favor. i think if the technology becomes better I can see my self using it more .  As is its ok for some basic 2d floor plans that dont need to be spot on like realtors floor plans. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Divreig, 


Greg from Canvas here. We monitor this forum from time to time and saw your issue come up. First off, I'm glad to see the refund was given to you. We have a money back guarantee on first jobs that is about to go live, but we are honoring that now with all of our customers who run into an issue on their first scan. Also, with 10% measurements off, almost certainly something strange happened with the scan. We do know that the more people learn about how to scan, the less error there tends to be in the scan (especially if using a LiDAR device). I can tell you, we have 10,000's of remodelers, interior designers and architects who use Canvas on every project. However, if you need 1/8th of an inch accuracy on your first visit, Canvas may not be the right solution for you. We do get within 1-2% of measurements when scanned correctly with an iPhone with LiDAR. 


That said, if you email me I'd be happy to give you a code for $100 off your next scan so you can try it again risk free. I'm confident we can help you save time scanning and creating the Chief Architect model. I'd also be happy to give you a 1 on 1 training call. With a little bit of upfront work you'll be able to save hours and sometimes days creating your as builts. Sorry again for the frustrating first experience. We have a lot of new features coming in the next couple months to hopefully improve this for all of our customers. 


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  • 1 month later...
On 3/17/2022 at 4:26 PM, Renerabbitt said:

Thats not canvas per se btw, your phone or ipads lidar is terribly inaccurate.

While Apple uses LiDAR technology that works on the same principles as those who use it for mapping, it has certain limitations. The range of the LiDAR sensor in Apple devices is only around 5 meters, which isn’t enough for accurate 3D mapping of a large room or area.


Is there a commercially available LiDAR option that is accurate and maybe not 5k? I'd love to give it a go but seems not stellar

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17 hours ago, tpeck23 said:


Is there a commercially available LiDAR option that is accurate and maybe not 5k? I'd love to give it a go but seems not stellar

The intel realsense line of products, but the softwares available right now dont have the photogrammetry algos that canvas has, so you will lose tracking more often.
Ultimately matterport is the best bang for the buck if you can charge your clients and then use it for finished walkthrough tours. Just a high initial cost


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