shaded gradiant fill on glass


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I'd like the windows to have a grey shade (solid color) on them, like in the first image I posted.  What I'm currently seeing is like below... the glass area is just white.  This clip happens to be from a vector view, but I get the same thing in the line drawing view.  The first image I posted is from AutoCAD, with a gradiant hatch applied to the windows.  Is there any way to do this in Chief? 



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36 minutes ago, JFH-DFH said:

the glass area is just white.


If you are using color in Vector View, you change the color of the Pattern  of the Glass,Standard material to a grey, this won't be seen if color is off though like in the 1st Image.



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If you have patience, it's possible to achieve gradient fill on the glass. 


Paste an image file with the desired level of gradient onto the layout page. Then situate it over a window sash. Here's the time consuming part, but not too bad... copy the image. Start with the top right hand corner. Make it fit one pane.  Copy it again, stretch it, and position the same image to fit the adjoining pane. ...and so on. 


Mick's method is 100% spot on,, and what the program allows us to do, and do it painlessly.  ...But with little 'hacks' like this, anything is possible.






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26 minutes ago, VHampton said:

ace an image file with the desired level of gradient on the layout page


I'd suggest making a cad block of that image, then doing this process on a CAD detail taken from the elevation drawing. Then, you'll have simpler snap points and you can copy/paste back and forth between the cad detail and elevation camera as you see fit.

I do this all the time with glass railings, so you can see behind them in elevation view.



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