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  On 2/22/2021 at 10:46 PM, solver said:

Move the dimensions so they do not get cropped?


I am dimensioning windows, doors, and the room. I need room to dimension. If I cut my box down to where I need it it will cut off the dimensions. Simply "moving" the dimensions so they don't get cropped is not an answer. I like to crop the floorplan down to the walls (so it doesn't show other rooms) but keep the dimensions showing. Like the attached photo 

Screen Shot 2021-02-22 at 2.52.38 PM.png

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  On 2/22/2021 at 11:04 PM, Alaskan_Son said:

Use a CAD mask.  Just place a large polyline with a solid fill over your plan and cut a hole in it.  Just make sure all your annotations are in a higher Drawing Group and it should do what you want.


Interesting approach but still doesn't work. If I added polyline solids around all the rooms they would overlap and cover up other rooms. I don't think this is something that could be achieved in chief architect. 

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  On 2/22/2021 at 11:46 PM, Gawdzira said:

@ Ronniesha , think about layers. If you create a polyline and fill it white and it is on a draw layer above your walls but below your dimensions, you get what is described above.


I am sure if I spend hours of tweaking this method I could get it to work. But that would be time consuming and as I said before if I created a polyline around the room and filled it white then it would obviously be covering the rooms around it. Then I would have to create more layers for the other rooms. And this just isn't a great use of time! It's okay though! I can just not do what I am trying to do!

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Could be wrong, but I think everyone's grasping for straws here.  My straw grasp is  that she's saying the cad mask for any given room works for that room, but then when she wants to do it for an adjacent room the cad mask for the previous room blocks the adjacent room.   If that is correct, then you'd need to either send the views to layout as an image or as 'update on demand' only, then move and adjust the cad mask for each room.... OR create a new layer and SPV for each cad mask arrangement needed for each room and turn them on and off as needed.

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  On 2/22/2021 at 10:35 PM, Ronniesha said:

I am wondering if there is a way to be able to crop your layout box of the floorplan but also keep the dimensions?



You can also do it by overlapping two layout boxes in layout using copy/paste hold position, and changing the plan view or layer set for the dimension view.


Like the earlier method, it takes some set up but once your plan file had the necessary layer sets and plan views, creating the layout views would be fast.


Here's a sample of two layout boxes, one cropped down to show a partial room, with the other showing only dimensions:



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  • 3 years later...

Had this same question and it was answered on the Chief Facebook group. Sharing here in case anyone else stumbles upon this thread.

You have to make multiple copies of your floor plan layout box and crop out what you don't want to show by adjusting the clipping on the layout box. 

How to adjust the layout frame to a non-rectangular shape: 

In layout select the layout box. Go to the edge you want to break and hit the 3 key (or in edit menu bar there will be a break option) It will apply a new grip at the break, then grab the line you want and start manipulating the polyline of the layout box.

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