Ceiling Lights On Wrong Level


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I am doing a lighting layout in a room that has a two story space (includes first and second floor) with a cathedral ceiling. I usually shoe the lights on the level where they are controlled. When I place a ceiling mounted light on the first floor it can be seen on the electrical layout on the first floor, BUT in the 3D view they float in the air rather than automatically go to the first built ceiling. I want the plan lights to be seen on the floor level of the switching, but I want the lights to no float in the air, but go up to the ceiling like in real life. How is this done?

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Recessed and all Chief lights will automatically go the the "room" ceiling and no higher even if there is "no ceiling" in the room. It stops at the specified ceiling height. And if the second floor is "open to below", the lights will not go up the the visible ceiling, only the invisible ceiling.

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Recessed and all Chief lights will automatically go the the "room" ceiling and no higher even if there is "no ceiling" in the room. It stops at the specified ceiling height. And if the second floor is "open to below", the lights will not go up the the visible ceiling, only the invisible ceiling.


Maybe you should post a plan with your issue.  I just checked, and recessed lights WILL offset from ceiling just fine as I mentioned in my previous post. You just have to raise them up THROUGH that first "ceiling" using a NEGATIVE number.  Not exactly intuitive, but it will get you what you want.

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Maybe you should post a plan with your issue.  I just checked, and recessed lights WILL offset from ceiling just fine as I mentioned in my previous post. You just have to raise them up THROUGH that first "ceiling" using a NEGATIVE number.  Not exactly intuitive, but it will get you what you want.

I tried the "negative number" thing and they do move up, but not all the way up. And the Great Room will be getting a cathedral ceiling and the height is variable and would be more work than I have time.


Here is the plan link



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