Build slab on top of stem walls


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How does one make the slab extend over top of stem walls when doing a stemwall foundation, no basement, slab main floor?


I cannot find a setting to make this happen in the model.  Do I have to just do a CAD detail to show this?  


I know it defies energy considerations, but my client the builder always wants the stemwalls poured with tops at height equal to bottom of floor slab, then forms edges to outside of stemwalls, and pours slabs so they sit atop walls.  Section pic attached that shows the 2" rigid foam insulation under slab, and outside wall and up slab edge. Framing sits atop.


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Thanks, Glenn, but I have tried that.


The current plan on which this is needed has a foundation in which only part of it has this.  So I tried your method on a one-room building, and did not get the result you did.


I have the foundation room supplying the floor for the room above, and the "slab at top of stem wall" option checked.



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  On 10/17/2018 at 2:53 PM, GeneDavis said:

I have the foundation room supplying the floor for the room above, and the "slab at top of stem wall" option checked.



Use the main Floor structure Instead.....  set to the Slab depth and Concrete material instead. You can even add the Foam Layer to the Floor Structure.( slight cheat required when auto detailing in that you must pull the stem-wall CAD Box up to the slab through the Foam if you do this.)



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