How to locate a particular material or object in a plan?


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I am looking at the materials list and can’t figure out where certain materials are coming from.


Is there a way to locate where a particular material is being used?

I am using X8.


I seen a similar question asked a few years ago and apparently there was no such feature back then....


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In X9 and X8, what you do is "look" and then, in the future you decide to be a little more methodical while creating a plan file so this does not happen to you again. I am NOT being mean-spirited, just factual. X10 may or may not be a solution but YOU can always be your solution, always.



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For a material go to 3d, plan materials and edit the material there so it will be obvious. Blend with pink, or make the pattern pink or something obvious. Find it in a 3D view. Once you know where it is undo. 

No answer for an object. 

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In X10, the material list and the schedules now have a "find in plan" feature that will allow you to more easily locate objects in your plan.


In prior versions, it took more manual work.  One trick I used to use was to make a copy of the plan and remove objects until I found the one I wanted.  The Delete Objects tool is good way of getting rid of lots of objects fast.

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