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About KevinWaldron

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    Murfreesboro, TN 37129
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    Family, Gospel Music, Re-production Furniture,Water Sports

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  1. If CA built cabinets with solids this would maybe be possible, but all we are getting is a skin/covering/representation. A face frame for instance is not 3/4"-5/8" thick when using the cabinets found within CA and not built or drawn to be reproduced with machine. CNC requires materials that have XYZ sizes as that is the way that it finds it's way in space. Laser work on the other hand typically requires only XY locations. So you could do a paper cut out of the cabinets with laser.
  2. Wanted: TN Licensed Architect who uses CA to collaborate with Established Builder using CA on multiple projects. phone 615-506-8022 -Jon or
  3. watch demo
  4. Mark, Is a master at cabinets and his skill set is far above mine in Chief! The question was is Chief the answer for Custom Vanity or Furniture. The person asking the question will have to decide. Let me offer one more example of what programs like Rhinoceros and others are capable of doing that Chief can't. I've personally chosen to use my skill set learning other programs for doing furniture etc. as we often use CNC to make various items we sell in our homes. (we spent 15 years in manufacturing musical instruments now retired but often use the equipment for various home building projects) Blessings, kw
  5. Let me say these are my thoughts not necessarily the majority of the CA users. I've been building furniture for 50+ years both primitive and Period pieces and I don't think CA is the best program for doing what you have shown. It's capable of doing a lot for sure but it is much better at designing houses, light commercial buildings, barns etc. and doing standard normal average house setup. Can it do these kind of projects sure with enough expertise and time. A rowboat can cross the Atlantic given the right criteria and conditions. I'd personally recommend programs like Sketchup, Rhinoceros, MOI, Solidworks, Inventor, and a slew more for doing custom cabinets, furniture, and the like. It might be that you can afford and learn to use several programs to accomplish your goals. For sure CA is not capable of producing CAM/Cad ready files for a CNC or Laser when detail assembly is required. CA does an outstanding job of doing what it was intended to do. My two cents and showing several JPG files from other programs that I've used for building said projects. Primarily Rhinoceros. None where done with CA. Blessings, kw
  6. Possibly take your Chief files into a program such as Rhinoceros and convert fairly easily to curves (nurbs) and then use and Rhino add-on product such as Rhinocam or Madcam to run your CNC machine. Another alternative might also be a program like Aspire which has drawing and CAM features both along with various conversion tools. (We have CNC and Lasers and use all 3 of these programs for doing some of what your wanting to do.) kw
  7. Pulled your plan up. Played with adding and changing walls furniture etc. and it was taking approximately 3-4 count seconds for things to move, change, or add. (My machine is a I9-13900k 5.4GHz with 128 GB ram with windows 11 Pro and TTX 4090 with 24 GB with 8 TB SSD for C drive and a 14 TB SSD D drive) Personally suspect your asking CA to do more than it was designed to do. You may need a more robust Cad program or a more robust computer. kw
  8. I've used this program for years....... It does work great. kw PhotoZoom Pro
  9. 3D Warehouse
  10. These are translation of Chief as 3ds files and converted to vector drawing using nurbs. (Rhinoceros) PDF was the only way to show the files as they looked prior to conversion as nurbs. kw
  11. Not sure I totally agree with you Rab personally think a lot of the problem is Chief not exporting all the information. Attach a small garage I just exported out as 3ds with 4 views. Someone could use this to retrace in another program or convert mess to nurbs curves. kw 2024-07-29_18-45-29Test Rside Elev.pdf 2024-07-29_18-45-29Test Top Elev.pdf 2024-07-29_18-45-29Test Front Elev.pdf
  12. Probably best to go back to surveyor, think I saw info on plat. Ask nicely if he would give you a dwg or possibly a 3D DWG. Lot of surveyors in my area use Carlson software so easy enough for them to do this. He also can do a 3D topo of all this data if he has typical surveyor software. ( He may charge additional to do this) kw
  13. Might caution you to check Subdivision Restrictions. Many of our local Restriction say garage must remain a garage. Easy enough for the homeowner not to know or care. kw
  14. 1 Concrete Block 12-in x 8 x 12.daeDrew a concrete block this past weekend. It was drawn in Rhinoceros and then exported to Collada format (dae). It is a fully re-sizeable block and can be shrunk-enlarged etc. (Block Piers was my goal) Enjoy, kw 1 Concrete Block 12-in x 8 x 12.dae
  15. A lot of cabinet folks (builders) are actually making the units with CNC thus 2020, Mozaik, KCD, Cabinet Vision, Sketchup with add-ons and a host of others. Not sure about your clients place in ordering or manufacturing. In our area many still build custom cabinets. Chief does not produce the internal components necessary to take a piece of lumber and or plywood/sheet goods to make cabinets. What we have for the most part in CA is a representation of components. Example: it want show front and or back drawer dovetails and internal dimensions or cut the dado necessary for the bottom of said drawer bottom, location of hinge screws, draw pulls etc. kw