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Everything posted by evergreen

  1. Here are a few right from the library.... Architectural/Windows/Units/Protruding
  2. do you mean like a garden window? not sure what you are after...can you attach a picture?
  3. I just set a regular floating dormer to the front wall, then deleted small roof section in front.
  4. I drew a ceiling plane in the main building and pulled the wall material up in the gable section of the wings. I do get some Z-fighting on gable wall over siding, changed surface material thickness but did not seem to make a difference, have to mess around a little on that one.
  5. My first thought because of the skewed layout was the need to create the cathedral ceilings manually but then noticed the way CA framed the second floor/ceiling. Could be a couple of things going on. Not sure...maybe some of the roof/framing pros will chime in.
  6. that was it, the reflections in preview was not checked....seems to work fine now.
  7. Interesting... in X7 I get a normal reflection for final view, and final view w/shadows, BUT, when I zoom in using either it goes grey....hmmmm I'll mess around with some settings and see...
  8. Check out ChiefTutor.com. They have an example of a flat roof and parapet walls.
  9. Not sure what you are after exactly, but when I frame out for a window, I need to have the "room" for, well, "the framing" the studs, trimmers, header to properly install the window... not to mention room for interior/exterior trim. Your situation looks a bit "tight".
  10. Ok, I have always used Chiefs ray tracer, not sure how the export works if you are choosing that route. Have you tried Chief's RT output?
  11. What version of CA are you using?
  12. 1) Put in a picture Window/Door (although, I think any window will work) , I think the door has to be a glass door only 2) While in cross section view, use CAD lines/arcs to draw your muntins 3) make block out of your cad objects 4) select your window 5) convert to muntins using icon at bottom of screen Search "Creating Custom Muntins" in knowledge base - I believe there are videos on this as well.
  13. Just some encouragement...if you still need help just holler, somebody will answer.
  14. Double click on terrain feature (grass) and set a suitable thickness in the "Skirt" section of dbx...some how it was changed from the default
  15. When you drop in a primitive, you do have control over its rotation about x, y, or z when you open it for spec....however, as soon as you modify that 3D shape (and it still remains a 3D shape), that control is lost...you get one dbx for pre-modification, another for post...the latter of which limits your options Not sure if missed something here, but that's how I see it... contacted tech support.
  16. Nice! I tried that, Robert, and the wall-board does wrap around on mine...hmmm
  17. There are many RT settings/adjustments to "approach" a photo realistic image. To start, if you are setting up an interior RT, and if its one room, turn off all other light sources in other rooms. Then, set the RT image size small enough to see the detail you are after and let it run a few times to see your result...I find that after just a few passes, you can get an idea of what the final image will produce. The smaller image speeds up the RT. Again depending on what you are after, you may need to mess around with materials too. Once you are satisfied, resize the RT image. Be careful, you can get caught up with adjusting the lighting/material. Need to know when to call it quits. As far as exterior RT, I pretty much do the same as Jintu (see above)...I don't use "Environmental Light" either, just raise the "Direct Sunlight Intensity" (some where around 5) gives great shadows. Smooth out the shadows, by changing the materials "roughness" value to have it look more realistic.
  18. I don't believe so, but... "David Michael Stairs" on YouTube...may reveal some secrets...there's actually 19 plus videos on stairs....it's X3, but I don't think much has changed since then.
  19. clutter management...got it! Thanks Robert, Perry
  20. Never mind the laptop, how's the coffee cup!!! LOL I believe there are a few CA users on this forum that do use Microsoft Surface Pro, can run CA, and from what I gathered were happy with it...