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    Medicine Hat, Alberta
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    Mountain Biking, not sitting

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  1. You should probably post the plan file so you can get specific suggestions.
  2. Usually you will need to use foundation wall on the foundation level to create a room for the stairs. If the terrain is on Floor 1, this will NOT create a hole in the terrain. You can either create the hole manually using a polyline or terrain feature (recommended) OR create a room of invisible walls on Floor 1 (I do not recommend this). The stairs can be drawn on the foundation level, however you will need to set the heights manually.
  3. This might be a bit more helpful for those interested in what Joe posted.
  4. Hi Shane, 2 suggestions for you: Delete the ceiling structure for the porch, or reduce the structure depth to 3.5" For the side wall of the Porch, create a wall type that is a single layer and specify the main layer as an air gap.
  5. Also, experiment with printing @ 144 DPI. For me, this provides acceptable print quality and saves lots of MB over time!
  6. Many email servers have a 25MB limit for attached files. To email files that are larger you have a couple of options: You can upload your files to Google Drive or Dropbox and then email a download link You can compress the files to a zipped folder. A new format is a 7z file which in my experience has more compression than a ZIP file. There will be limited benefit for a PDF with many embedded images.
  7. Once I deleted the material pattern for the slab material around the pool, all elevation cameras opened in a normal amount of time.
  8. On my machine, the slab material pattern was the culprit. Once that pattern was removed, speed was normal. All other adjustments I mentioned made additional improvements in speed. 20250221-1345-57.5052658.mp4
  9. Speed of exterior elvations can be increased more by using opaque glass and turning off the layers for all interior items (electrical, cabinets, fixtures, etc). For exterior electrical, just create a copy of the layer to use fore exterior items.
  10. I'd also suggest using a simpler pattern for the roof shingles.
  11. Try deleting the pattern from the slab material around the pool.
  12. Custom ceiling plane (0" framing depth / does NOT use room ceiling finish). I keep the edge of ceiling 1/2" in from cladding surface. Ceiling must extend beyond wall framing layer. Gable end wall> Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom
  13. The camera callouts will display correctly once the layout file is open...and only when the layout file is open.
  14. For this a download link works best...Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. For your elevation views, Open the dialog (Edit Active View) and check 'Clip Sides' then press OK. Don't worry about the value as you can adjust the sides in the elevation view.
  15. Double click the dishwasher to open the Fixture Specification dialog after placing the dishwasher in your plan. Select the '3D' tab and adjust the origin offsets to 0". This is only suitable to do when placing the dishwasher as a freestanding object...NOT placed into a cabinet.