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Everything posted by Larry_Sweeney

  1. Perry...I've done that before, but what looks good in plan view doesn't work so well in elevations. There is all sorts of ways to "cheat" to make it look right in a particular view. It's getting it right in all views was what I was after. I'm sure we are all after that concept. It's TIME that gets in our way. I was sure I was doing something wrong and was trying to figure the "right way" to do it so the next time I wouldn't lose so many hairs on my head. Have a great day.
  2. I always thought CA could do better with their "insulation box". If they could just make it so we could put breaks in the lines and make the lines curve. I don't have time right now, I'm wondering if you could put "batt insulation" molding profile on a molding p-line.
  3. Andy.....I have the connection distance set at 48". It's a little more than that. I've had this happen to me many times in previous versions. I just thought it was getting fixed for X6.-------maybe X7?
  4. Glenn....Thanks for the clarification. Have a great day.
  5. I know this was brought up before, but I thought it was fixed. The dimension is locking on to SOMETHING, but what I have no idea.
  6. Alan...Impressive! Many thanks and your time is much appreciated. Are you keeping your feet dry? All we're hearing back east here is how bad the rains are out there. Have a great day. Glenn.......Yes, you are correct about the wall, but of course you knew that. I built the deck first, so I needed to have a wall there for the "room" to close so it would become a deck. I added the stairs after and where I attached the stairs to the deck the stairs made a "door" opening. This is the correct procedure so far---right? I knew there was a "door" in a wall at that spot, but I thought it had to be there. When I read your thread I went and deleted the wall at the top of the steps and the post problem went away. I don't quite understand how I can delete the wall and still have a "deck" room (it goes against my reasoning for what's worth), but thank you for taking the time. I've learned something here, but I still don't quite understand it. Have a great day.
  7. JJohnson.....Yes I tried that also. I tried all different spacing lengths. The only time it changed was when I made the spacing distance less than the length from the corner to the door. Then I had even more post. Alan...If you do an elevation to the model so you can highlight the wall in question, notice the little "leg" of the wall that drops down at corner "A". I don't know what is causing it and there seems to be no way of raising it. Alan.... Yes your way "down & dirty" does work to a point. Why it does has me baffled. There's no way to extend the deck so it overhangs the trim boards, but you solution does eliminate the post. I'm not giving up yet, because there is a "correct" solution. It just depends on how "correct" i want to be. Thanks for your time---much appreciated.
  8. I built a screened porch onto a remodel and on one of the walls, with a door, I have extra post. I have another wall on the same porch with a door (one size larger) and the specs. for both walls are exactly the same (as far as I can figure anyway), but I don't have a problem with "extra post". I know (or think I know) the problem is coming from the walls not connecting correctly at corner "A", but I don't know what's causing the connection problem. It looks like it's connected correctly in plan view, but when you do a camera vector view at the beam area you can tell it's not connecting correctly. Can anyone figure this out? I'm running out of hair. LANDIS
  9. Joe.....Thanks for confirming. I'll have to look back in X5 or a couple of earlier versions to see if they worked the same way before I send it in.
  10. It seems the reason the labels aren't showing is because I'm using railing walls for my screened in porch. As soon as I change the wall that has a door in it to a "non-railing" wall the door label shows. Is the only way to make the door labels show on the screened porch is to manually place them. Like I said in my previous thread, they are showing in the schedule. The problem with this is that they don't update if I add or delete a door somewhere else. Does anyone know of a better work around? Is there a better way to build the screened porch so my door labels will show? I'm showing railing and post to beams and using a molding p-line for the screening.
  11. I have two storm doors on a screened porch and the labels are not showing. They are shown in the schedule and in the label dbx. the "suppress label" box is not checked. What am I missing? All my other doors show their labels.
  12. Irish2.....Thanks for checking out the file and the info I should pass along to the surveyor. I wish I knew what I did wrong in the first place. Have a great day.
  13. Cory....I don't see a difference between the render and the vector views of the arches. What difference in the brick arches are you referring too?
  14. Andy....Many thanks. I really appreciate your help and I'm sure the surveyor does too. If I have any more problems I'll give you an email. Have a great day and I hope you're keeping your feet dry.
  15. Andy.......When I go to open the file that you zipped me in AC 2010 I get the alert message shown in the attachment. I don't have any program opened on my computer, but from the alert I'm not sure what it means. Should I be concerned about this? Do you think the surveyor will be able to take the converted file and be able to work with it?
  16. Andy......I'm not familar with DraftSite. Is that some type of a AutoCad program? The zip. file you sent in the second thread, is that in AC 2012 format? Did you open it up in AC 2012 or something else? I have AC 2010 but could not upen the file in the AC dwg. format that you zipped. I just want to make sure if I send the surveyor another file it will open for him in 2012 AC. We are both getting a little frustrated and are dealing with time schedules. I really appreciate your help.
  17. I received a survey of a track of land in 2012 AC format. The surveyor wanted me to place the outlines of the buildings, roadways and parking areas where the owner wanted them placed and then send it back to him in 2012 AC format. I've received many AC dwg. files over the years, imported them into CA, worked with them and never had any problems. I've never exported converted CA dwg. files out in AC format, but I thought there shouldn't be any problem. At least that is what I told the surveyor. I've tried 3 times to send him the converted CA dwg. file and every time he has contacted me that he was unable to open them. I made sure when I exported the CA files I converted them to the same 2012 AC format that they were sent to me, but he still can't open them. I took the file I converted to AC and imported it back into CA and it imported correctly back into CA. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what is happening? Maybe I could link the CA file to someone that has AC and they can try exporting it out of CA into a 2012 AC file and see if they can open it. Any help or advice at this time will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. I decided to send the file links so if someone could help............. Here is the link to the CA file before conversion Here is the link to the file after I converted it to 2012 AC
  18. Perry.......Yes, this is true, but don't you think it would be better just to have a dbx. that could be checked for a particular wall? Seems like it would save alot of time ---- at least for the person building the model. How hard it would be to implement for CA could be another story.
  19. Perry & NewPTV...... Thanks for confirming what I thought. I think I'll mention in "Suggestions" a dbx. for having the wall insulated that is highlighted. Have a great day. Perry, I hope you're keeping your feet dry!
  20. If what Dan doesn't work for you just build the walls in CAD with fill. I know it's a pain, but then so are the circles when you can't get rid of them.
  21. Is it possible to select a single wall to have insulation or do you have to give that wall it's own "type"? I know when defining a wall you can check it to have insulation, but I see no place, when you click on a wall, that you can just select that particular wall to have insulation.
  22. To all....Thanks for the info. Doug.... I'll look into the info you gave in your thread later. At present things are a little hectic.
  23. Perry.....Framing could definitely lead into a lengthy conversation, I think what I'm really discussing is the downfalls in the "Architectural Block". By the way, are you guys going to get hit with all the rain that they say is heading toward the west coast?
  24. Doug.....When I move my cursor around in plan view I just have cross hairs. When I move over the cursor over to an elevation I have cross hairs "plus" an arrow pointer. It's this arrow I"m talking about having a solid fill. Right now it has a fill, but it is semi-transparent and many times when the cross hairs and this arrow is over a colored area it is hard to see whereas if the arrow had a solid fill that wasn't semi-transparent things would be much better. That is, at least for these tired poor eyes.