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Everything posted by kMoquin

  1. I don't understand binary - how can you have two of nothing?
  2. Without a closet the realtor may not call it a bedroom, likewise for permit review in some towns here.
  3. Why such a tease Glenn? Are you going to share how you accomplished that? I'd love to know as well.
  4. Joe, I don do it regularly, but the system I devised involved 2 plan files linked to one layout. One plan has the model, the other all the cad details. Should the other team member need to work on the plan, they could do do in a copy of the plan file. To allow someone to make a copy of the file you need to check "Disable file locking" in the File Management preferences. There was always a team member who was the keeper of the master file. The other person makes their edits in a copy of the file that has a unique name. Ideally these edits are in a defined part of the file. The keeper of the master file then opens the copied file , selects the edited portion, and executes a "paste in place" to bring the changes in to the master file. A bit cumbersome, and requires communication about who is working where when both are making plan file edits, but it works.
  5. Thanks Scott. You can keep calling me the Maokster. I can't recall why I made the change when registering for the new forum...
  6. You need to shape the perimeter of the ceiling plane to make the intersection. Here's a video:
  7. also, I hit escape a few times just to make my point
  8. I use escape too, but do notice a lag before the stop in watercolor.
  9. Nice solution DSH. The end wall of my plan has a failed attempt at using a normal window in walls. Your two opening idea solves the part I stumbled on and solves the mess of psolids I would have needed to get the interior right. Here's a link to the video (silent movie) for Larry to see how I created the shingle flare over the bow window. I think the key with the flare is to have Chief build the roof to the curve, even if that means doing it in a separate plan an pasting it in. Make sure to set the segment angle to 6 degrees to get the best curve. I needed to adjust the texture to get the shingle coursing to match. I think I would edit the lines in layout rather than try to get the hatch pattern to match, but I didn't fiddle with the hatch.
  10. Here's a plan with those elements modeled. I'll try to make time to recreate it in a video, though I dont have a mic so it wont be narrated. This solution is a bit sloppy due to my rushing. I think with some time in the modeling it could work fine. The txture on the curved shingle may be tough to get to match the wall shingles. Larry Bow &
  11. Vinnie, I'm having the same thing happen, though not every 30 seconds. The blue donut shows up more frequently than it seems it should. It's not tied to any operation that I can isolate. It happens across all plan and layout files on both the laptop and desktop PC.
  12. Combustion without ventilation scares me...
  13. Not really a total solution, but has worked for my needs - When making major alterations I have turned off the room names layer and dealt with the room labels after the design session was done.
  14. Joe Carrick had a good post on the old forum about creating pattern files.
  15. Does anyone know if there is a setting to show dimensions in a door or window schedule in feet and inches instead of inches only? (I cant seem to locate it...) thanks!
  16. you can find it here: Defaults > CAD > General Cad
  17. Another trick I use is to register my details to a grid that relates to the sheet so usually it's only a matter of sending that detail to layout with "Entire Plan View" radio button selected. I can eliminate the step of getting it to align with other details. I developed the system ad-hoc and it could use a bit of reorganizing to be more efficient. Until I have time to do that it serves my needs. Detail Sheet: Main CAD Detail: Secondary CAD Detail:
  18. I sometimes do a sheets worth of details in one cad detail
  19. I've been happy with the Pyle Laser Distance Meter I've been using. At $75 it's a good deal too.
  20. Man I got taken! My recent 430 purchase cost me a burrito.
  21. Jared's response is correct. Click "Edit Object Parts" button and you will be able to select and delete one segment of a polyline. Note: If it is a "box" and not a "polyline" you will not be able to delete one side. They are different types of objects.
  22. DoubleCAD had a free version that I use to preview and make minor edits to dwg files.
  23. 2009 I codes for us. I have never had an issue with code compliance that I can attribute to software.