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Everything posted by Hammer7

  1. Hey Rob, I'm having a similar condition and yet I can't find the handle, have closed and reopened chief... reset toolbar config... other ideas?
  2. How do I restore my project browser? It's gone, it's not under a window, when I click on it I get a check box but no project browser...?
  3. Do both, lein and small claims. The mechanics lein first. once in place you can have it vacated upon success in small claims. Ask for fees in addition for your expenses for the effort.
  4. ...so you have been working on a plan and getting it ready for completion for a set of construction documents...Do you go through it one last time to check it for errors via a personal checklist...? ...walls are all aligned properly, floors are all correct, ceilings are all correct, stairs have been checked ....Roofs are all joined exact? ...everything is locked down? ....Dimensions are correct and the rights size and locations? ....all centering is correct ....window tops, door tops? I'm trying to create and work off something like this...I know we should be doing this all along but sometime things get missed after a while.. Do you use something like this or would you?
  5. Hi Deck guy, are you still looking for help?
  6. Do you have the .dwg file?
  7. I'm having these same issues with a recent plan. Did you find a way to review the hierarchy of settings?
  8. https://www.houseplans.pro/plans/type/3?gclid=CjwKCAjwuYWSBhByEiwAKd_n_h1a_wO-Bxo6ItjKn3phu9DFPHJ_ycN_ht2PjGUYaiNfkWNlA36OVBoCQiQQAvD_BwE There are many sample plans in the link attached. You might want to review some sample models and then hire them to make the modifications.
  9. Is there a particular thread that covers ICF use in Chief
  10. I'm looking for some help with some residential stairs, this is a triple stacked u-shaped stair with some open balusters with joined handrail and intirim posts, there are beams and a column to integrate. This is just for applying the finishing touches to the final product. Someone who is familiar with the workings of the stair tool is needed. x12.
  11. First attempt at a foundation detail cad, is there an industry standard for bearing conditions, foundation detail A 1.13.2022.pdf
  12. I don't do much of this type of work yet but those are looking very good from my standing. Cheers!
  13. Where are the exterior lighting catalogues? I'm only finding one in the online catalogues?
  14. Thank you, so simple yet so far away....
  15. Is this feature still working? I have not used it before and just tried it for the first time and I am unable to export my model. The selection is ghosted.
  16. Foundation step downs. Is there a sample of where to do this according to a site TOPO? Short segments vs. Long segments? How is this typically illustrated in plan view?
  17. Hammer7


    Beam material missing: What would cause the missing bottom portion of this beam to be missing in camera view at each end...? chunk missing.pdf
  18. Hammer7

    Screenshot (1684).png

    Love it! Love the icicles!
  19. This is an in-progress framing plan, the left side generated in the correct location, the redline clouds all justified to the inside of the mud/sill, .....why? framing.pdf
  20. Thank you Gene, I have not used that yet, that would be very helpful in certain circumstances.