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Everything posted by Hammer7

  1. How does the name assignment work? It only seems to register for the origination. In the dialog box you can add a line for a date but then the name only goes to the top line...If your sharing a file can each person sign in separately?
  2. Good question, I have been exploring the full use of this tool recently. Are the times combined or separate, meaning does the Layout and Plan file have separate logs? Shirley, the Layout log does not accumulate when the Plan is open but when you open a Plan from Layout do they both accumulate?
  3. lol, there are a ton of tacky northeaat people that go to florida...lol, budget.....bhaaaaahaha, love me some quartersawn oak but only against pure white everywhere else
  4. I wonder if you could use some low intensity backlit onyx somewhere...or maybe the horizontal seam of the cabinet over the fridge, step the upper piece back and wash it with a soft yellow rope light continued along the cabinet length, down light under the countertop...the intensity of the sun through that corner is drawing attention...if that is quartersawn white oak island can you bring up the grain or fleck in some way....I only tried my first PBR last week...Cheers!
  5. Happy to help Krista, I'm also a former builder which helps at times. J
  6. You guys are correct, how do I change it?
  7. A new question....I have a tile pattern set vertical and it shows up accurate in wall elevation but in camera view it is offset grid when I don't want this and it shows up accurately in wall elevation. What's the deal with that? A glitch to be reported or am is there a setting to change in the camera view that would alter a tile pattern that shows up correctly in wall elevation view...weird. Ty terracotta verticle.pdf
  8. Between ceiling and roof sheathing I believe. I can't see the ceiling yet in section view. I was able to grab the truss and force it to build parallel though and maybe that's it.
  9. I'm trying to have this type of truss but I can't find what is preventing it from building correctly. I have unchecked "flat ceiling over this room"
  10. I'm still using two Samsung 32" TVs, I will probably next try a larger curved monitor. I had a 55" third TV but that took some cord gymnastics rigged up by someone else to get set up.
  11. I think it's in the "wall" DBX. "roof cuts wall" maybe? If you want to post or send the plan I can check.
  12. The short answer is no. To paraphrase answers that I have seen in the past is that the program is used all over the world and engineering is subject to many different local conditions making it impossible to introduce that specificity not to mention potential liability.
  13. Yes, the top cord seems to be in the right spot, bottom cord up against it but no webbing, when I select it the highlight boxes indicate it is at the right height or size depth.
  14. Managed to get the floor truss to be framing rather than OSB, the height is correct but no truss, just the top and bottom cord...
  15. x14 Truss joist floor.pdf
  16. I'm trying to modify an existing floor and change from a 22" I-joist to a truss joist. It appears that the truss it there at the correct height but no webbing...
  17. I have a top and bottom cord but no webbing in my truss for a floor
  18. Piggy backing on this thread, how would you get truss joists, I have a top and bottom cord but no webbing?
  19. Hello, I would like to help you with your Chief Architect needs. Fast, efficient service based in USA. jpaquet4@gmail.com 603-969-5031 JPDS
  20. how would one show this in a vertical ppst orientation in plan view? if i can add to this thread...
  21. Thank you, I'm next going to attempt a Simpson product schedule and I would like to learn how to compress the size of an object, some of the strap ties are 18" and 24" and the HU products are only a couple inches.
  22. Thank you Joe, you are correct, that wall does seem to be controlling the height. It is a wall with a 10' footing for a steep slope condition that engineer has spec'd.
  23. How do you shrink a row in a schedule? I have a project with many different wall types so I created a legend from one of the CA videos but it's too tall...
  24. Thank you Gene, I have done that previously with some elements but could not quite find the handle in this setting. I will try again.