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  1. You may have already seen this page from Chief that lists the minimum requirements and recommend requirements to run Chief. There is also a good blog article on choosing a computer. I don't have a specific model to recommend in that price range, but this list should help you find what you need.
  2. You're welcome. Also check / catalog downloads / Hobbies No.8 Prototyping. Not exactly robotic, but there are 3d printers in that catalog. Between that and 3D Warehouse you should be able to piece together a collection.
  3. Click on the sink in the cabinet and then hit the "Tab" button which will allow you to select just the sink. Then you can open up the sink and edit it.
  4. Try re-posting this question in the General Q&A Forum. Roofs and dormers are not my area of expertise, but there are plenty of users who will see your question and can help if you re-post. Good luck!
  5. If I'm understanding your question correctly there is a way to accomplish what you are after, but not exactly the way you are describing. You would be better off creating an AsBuilt or Demo plan and putting that on a layer to show what is going to be removed, added, moved, etc. There are a number of videos on Chief's website that explain several ways of accomplishing this: Good luck!
  6. Not sure those stock columns are that adjustable. Might have to create your own using 3d solids, block, and save to your User Library.
  7. I've done this two different ways: Edit Cut & Edit Paste items from old layout to new. Send to layout - each floorplan, elevation and rendering re-sent. To be honest, I prefer to resend everything to layout. More time consuming, but less risky. Good luck!
  8. 2 catalogs contain wine bottles: Wine Cellar Items and Kitchen No. 6 1 catalog contains liquor bottles in a rack: Man Cave No. 4 I think the Kitchen No. 6 catalog has the most variety though. Good luck!
  9. Another resource for glossy lacquer: You can download a cabinet manufacturer's catalog called "Composit- Luxury Italian Kitchens". They include all of their finishes, including 33 colors of glossy lacquer.
  10. This is a great product and when I was at their booth at KBIS last week I picked up a copy of their in house magazine called CAMBRIA Style. The magazine is very well done with beautiful kitchens and baths, all using Cambria quartz. Fyi, complimentary subscription can be signed up for here:
  11. Have you tried closing Chief and rebooted your computer? Are you working with the latest version of X16? I believe it's Have you upgraded your graphics cards lately? Have you submitted the one file that is causing you the most trouble to the Support Desk? Create a zipped file by doing this: File / Backup Entire Plan
  12. For help with any question regarding Chief you can go to Along the top of the page, click on User Center. The drop down menu will take you to Training Videos and also Knowledge Base where you can search for DWG imports. This is one article explaining how to import a DWG file and then using the CAD to Walls tool. You also have the option to import the DWG file and instead of using CAD to Walls, you can manually trace over the walls with Chief's wall tools. P.s. This forum is for Tips and Techniques. If you post your question in the General Q&A forum you will get a lot more help. And if you find you need more help still, Chief offers Personal Training sessions. Good luck!
  13. You could simply pull a window blind out of the library and drop it into your plan and adjust placement in a 3d view. The blind will be independent of the full lite doors so you will have to manually adjust placement, but it should work fine. I typed "Window Blinds" into the library search bar and found a handful of options.