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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I am not sure what JC is talking about, but I think you are asking if you can have two or more plan files associated with one layout and if that is the question the answer is yes.
  2. Nope, not clear. What should the LABEL MACRO (your term) say? Are you saying to individually edit each and every sheet number of the layout? If that is what you are saying, yes it is quite clear, but not auto. "edit page information"? What does that mean, I am a novice, edit it to say what? Do I edit sheet zero or do I edit every sheet in layout?
  3. I hate to set up the door and window schedules. I use the SAM and everything works out fine. Get a layout and plan that works for you and then save as template and work off of that or start using the SAM.
  4. I agree with this, just not sure what this has to do with the question.
  5. Patience Grasshopper, patience, it should be up in about 30 minutes or so......
  6. Here is the latest shower vid. http://youtu.be/Rnv98flSLmE Worthwhile watching. if this 4th attempt does not work I think I am going to play golf and forget about this stuff.
  7. The obvious path to the solution.
  8. Moaksters solution is my solution
  9. Very confusing, I must REMAKE my shower vid. Many many ways to skin a cat, I think I have the best way to skin this cat...... but I am open to other methods.
  10. I completelly disagree. I do not use wall material region and never have issues with glass shower walls. I must do a vid.
  11. Another example of needing wrap around text. Nice job P. And JC.
  12. Yes, PREFERENCES<APPEARANCE<MINIMUM DISPLAY SIZE<DIMENSIONS change it to "4", it is probably set at "12"
  13. Whoa whoa whoa, you know more than me, but I am confused and somebody else may be. What I typically do is have a layout open (with all the plan files, pdf's etc. that are a part of the plan), and then I do a FILE<BACKUP ENTIRE PLAN check the BACKUP PLAN FILES AND ALL REFERENCED FILES..... hit OKAY, and then I go through the machinations of creating a brand new folder to put this stuff in. When CA is done doing it's magic, in that newly created folder there is a LAYOUT FILE. So when Doug says the plan does not include layout files, I believe that statement may be a bit confusing.
  14. I think Perry nailed it. Try turning off that hot key, I bet you will not see the problem again.
  15. I try to minimize text blocks. I am putting less and less text blocks on sections since this info is often shown elsewhere.... depends on what I need to emphasize. And if I use text blocks, they are usually "Perry's Macro Method".....
  16. I know, but it is not live and there is the potential for error... if live no error. My goal is to do no CAD work and no TEXT blocks if I can help it.
  17. See pic below, I know it is not what you want, it shows the pitch of the roof that is facing you, but this is what I am doing now until they give us the indicator that we are all familiar with. Here is my take, I have looked at many many plans done by architects and designers, and they do not always show the pitch on every section, so why should I? But anybody interested in a pitch can look at the elevations or the roof plan for an ACCURATE roof pitch that has no chance of being wrong.
  18. Glenn, I thought this was really neat at first. Order the layers alphabetically and then hit the display window the result is all the layers are listed alphabetically and the unused layers are at bottom and they are alphabetical. But close the LDO and reopen, and it is no longer in alphabetical order. We should be able to have the used layers on top in alphabetical order and the unused layers in alphabetical order below. Minor glitch.
  19. Incorrect, it also shows pitch in elevation, turn on layer. At one time I did the "typical" pitch indicator. I now rely on auto label in elev. view. Not typical but guaranteed to be accurate.
  20. Yes Justin, I agree with you, not always required, but when there are special circumstances, even more so with remodels, the 3D framing is very valuable.
  21. What is so interesting about this is I would bet there are not too many framers that have had more experience than I, (or more experience than Perry and Joe to name a few), at reading framing plans, and I would bet that those two guys would agree with me, that a 3D representation of the framing is to some degree helpful in understanding the project construction. Anybody that tells me that too much information is bad, is probably someone that I could and would replace.
  22. Perfect, you can save time and avoid giving him a 3D view of framing. Interesting that he can not glean any info from a 3D representation.... what does that tell you? I have dealt with a lot of experienced framers and I have not had one framer tell me that a pic of what he is building is not helpful, not a one.
  23. Perfect, so the M.L. is irrelevant. This is really good news since I can't use the M.L. at this time.