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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I am not sure what you wall section looks like. I have details at the top of a wall and at the bottom of a wall, but typically not of the entire wall. I do agree that using a small amount of text for sections is the way to go. In fact my sections only show plate hits., roof pitches and maybe the note referring to type 'x' gyp bd in garages and under stairs. A typical building section for me takes about 3 minutes....... that is why I can afford to do as many as 8-12 building sections...... they take very little effort.
  2. Absolutely, the point is that the text can be written one time and by using layer sets, the text can be displayed at multiple sizes.
  3. I do not completely agree. If you are sharp, and careful, you can use the same text for multiple views sent to layout at different scales. Remember that text size can be controlled via the layer set. So the text can be several different sizes depending on whether the text size is controlled by layer, and it should be, and what size the text is for a particular layer.
  4. Boy oh boy, you nailed it, you will be good, also learn about ref sets (IOW the MRLS).
  5. Do you guys remember the jumping floor video I did? It is somewhere out there, I could not find it. I sent the plan into Brian, and this was his response. "Scott, I was able to reproduce the issue with the floor heights behaving oddly depending on where you clicked on the floor below. I agree this definitely seems odd, and unintuitive. I have logged a report in regards to this issue in our database so that we can hopefully take a look at this issue and see what we can do to get it working better. Thanks" Anyway, the point is Brian recognizes the issue. I think this type of behavior is at the core of what is giving many users fits. I believe if Brian gets this worked out, the need for locking floor assemblies will not be necessary. Brian is busy fiddling around with X8 so I really didn't expect a response from him, but since he did respond, I wanted to share.
  6. No problem here Larry. I think it is your computer and not the file or CA's issue.
  7. Tommy, you did not give us a link to the thread. Do you have it handy?
  8. I will give you a tip. I ain't going to happen. Many people including myself have tried to put together a local user group. I do not think it has ever happened with any success. Even if you were to get one or two people to join, what level of expertise do they have? My suggestion would be to use this CHIEFTALK community as your go-to resource. Within this forum you will find many many users who unselfishly give of their time to help out others. Give it a try. BTW, my local user group consists of Joe Carrick, and the only thing we do together is play golf. This activity would be very enjoyable for me, but this guy is about 187 years old and he beats me every time. Love you Joe.
  9. I thought a big limitation is you can't print to 24x36 paper and you could only print one page at a time.please correct me if I am wrong.
  10. If you ask me, I say skip Pro and go straight to the full version. If you plan on using this program, and there is probably not a better alternative program yet, get the full blown version with four on the floor, the full blown edelbrock carb, the glass packs, the shackles and the dice hanging from the mirror. I'm not sure what all that stuff does to increase performance, but a lot of people spent a lot of money installing that stuff.
  11. No worries, it is now a badge of honor
  12. Ideally you would get it right before you flipped the plan, but you and I know that rarely happens. The paste and hold works... if it works..... bottom line, the way you handle any editing is on a case by case basis...... what I do know is sometimes we overthink simplifying the changes, and it is faster just to do the changes instead of spending too much time trying to speed up the changes....... and I just said a bunch of nonsense that if I am lucky, someone understood. No super easy answer.
  13. Great question, however I do not think you can do what you want to do. What you want to do is change two different plans (a normal plan and a reverse plan), no, you cannot change one and auto change the other. I think you have to change each separately. Would be nice if you could do what you want, but you can not.
  14. I doubt this is true. This behavior is a little peccadillo that CA has not improved. Mick was not super clear on the issue. Here is the issue...... If you are looking for and expecting a temp dimension between two lines and ....... oh heck..... here is a quick video.....
  15. I was wondering the same thing.
  16. Drawing the walls is the first task we all learn. It is extremely easy. If you are having a difficult time drawing the walls, I suggest you find another program.
  17. Interesting Joe, so you are saying in X5 I could of created a back clip cross section and then put that into a CAD detail. A while back, I thought about doing this and I tried to do this with no success. I am not sure why I wanted to do it and I am not sure of any advantages of being able to do this....... if I had to guess, I was probably playing with the idea of auto updatable back clip cross sections. As you implied, not sure if this ability is needed.
  18. Yep. just a few of the advantages and I bet we can think of some more.
  19. Schedules in CAD. No down side, not saying it won't work in plan, but CAD detail is very very easy.
  20. sorry, do not understand, can you be clearer? thanks
  21. How do I reset the tool bars to factory settings?
  22. Back on, if it is not starting, let it try to start for several minutes, it should start.
  23. I just made this mistake to restart because my tool bars screwed up again, can't get on. Maybe if I wait long enough.