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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I am kind of wondering if Joe has ever looked in a mirror. Quite frankly, I am looking at mirrors less and less each day.
  2. So are you saying you do not have same options with INTERIOR FIXTURES?
  3. Me too, I think P. does a lot of stuff in layout, I like all the stuff in plan file. Different strokes.... not sure of advantages or disadvantages of either method.
  4. Oh, interesting, I get it, based on what kind of symbol it is, it follows the terrain, great idea.... hmmmm ...... like a fence........ what is dependent on the terrain? Outside stairs, a fence, sidewalks and driveways..... anything else.... nice thinking Jon..... hey CA.... please slip the Jon S. suggestion into X8, thank you.
  5. Good question, I think exterior fixtures should work well. How about interior fixtures, that would work, How about Millwork, that would work. Electrical makes no sense. Give me a second... I am musing...... I suppose if there was a difference between exterior and interior fixtures....... I think I would determine if I wanted a label to show, and if I wanted that label showing...... follow me here.... maybe you want to show EXTERIOR FIXTURE LABELS and you don't want to show INTERIOR FIXTURE LABELS...... maybe that decision will have a bearing on what you spec the symbol as....... either interior or exterior fixture.....
  6. I agree, It's a no brainer Moakster, how can we start designing if we do not have a good as built.
  7. You are correct, the finish builds to the casing and ignores the R.O. I think this makes sense, what does not make sense is that the FINISH DOES NOT GO BEHIND THE CASING, but really not a big deal, I had not noticed this the first 10 years I have used the program so I suppose no problem...... yep, back to work. Now stop bothering me Jona-Thank.
  8. As I think about it, why would I ever have the casing layers for doors and windows turned off? Casings should always be turned on, no problem, ..... so what is going on? I guess CA builds wall FINISH to the outside edge of casing..... IOW, the drywall does not truly build behind casing? Not a big deal I guess.... just an observation.
  9. I will back up.... boy this is confusing..... if casing layer is turned off in 3d........ and if the door or window has a casing, I get the gap, but if the door or window has no casing, I get no gap..... I am not sure if this makes sense..... think about it..... I am thinking about it and I am not sure if it makes sense....
  10. dshall

    Line style

    I see this all the time, it says the terrain is up to date, but it is not, because when I say rebuild, it does update the terrain.
  11. Jeez Louise, looking at your Avatar, you must be related to Joe Carrick.
  12. Yep, I get this Johnny. I do design in CA, but it is not the best method.... I do not understand SU and VW when it comes to designing, but I bet they are better tools than CA when it comes to designing. Pen and paper is better for designing than CA, and I can only assume that SU and VW are much better tools than CA for designing .
  13. Nuts...... CA is very flexible when it comes to changing things after defaults are set... and I should know because I don't set defaults until the project is done...... if I do set defaults. I do know of one item that is not easy to change later on in the model building phase. So Rashid, you made a statement, do you want to back it up with examples of what defaults cannot be changed later on in the modeling process. It is very easy to make a statement, so if you are to make a statement, please be prepared to back it up with examples.
  14. dshall

    Line style

    I am glad you called me on this. I would make it an INVISIBLE SHOWER WALL, by using a shower wall you can make it 1/16" thick, now make sure you put it on its own layer, change line weights and line styles via layer depending on how you want to show it in plan.... whether for a site plan or a floor plan or a framing plan etc. So, invisible wall, 1/16" thick, on it's own layer, does not matter if it is a railing or a wall, define the room it defines as a deck if you want decking. What I just described is a "work around", but it works for me because I know most of the ins and outs of CA which gives me a lot of flexibility to display in a manner that you are now seeking.
  15. dshall

    Line style

    That is not a bug. That is how wide your railing is. Open wall dvx and check it out. Now, how do I handle it? I rarely get the railing I want in CA, so I build my railings out of MOLDINGS. So with the wall that defines the deck, I make is 1/16" thick (double line), I then put that rail wall on a separate layer and I can then use that layer to show my deck in site plan, floor plan etc..... it seems I get more control and the line of deck shows as a single line since it is so narrow.
  16. Layout on left, plan on right, I see the HANDICAP SIGN label in layout. was this the problem?
  17. Mon Cherie, your plan template will never be perfect. It will be forever evolving. That is why I advocate the SAM. But whatever method, try to get over the idea of waiting for your template plan, don't let that stop you from working on a new plan with whatever template you have at the time.
  18. What Jona-Thank did not explain very well is what your are recessing is the CASING. Suppose you do not have casing, you can control the recessing of the FRAME...... WINDOW DBX<FRAME, A definite distinction. Hey Jona-Thank, see you in Idaho.
  19. Take it a step further... a separate FURNITURE WAREHOUSE PLAN, or a PENDANT LIGHT WAREHOUSE PLAN, etc. As you can guess, this method is much quicker to accessing often used symbols than getting the items out of the CA library.
  20. Why don't you post a plan? I just don't get it, why do you expect us to guess? Don't you think it would be easier if we had an example of the problem? I know I could guess based on the info you give us, but come on.... 25% of the time the guess is still wrong and we go around and around,
  21. Okay, so what does that mean? Did you solve it? If not, do you want me to guess some more at a solution or do you want to post the problem cabinet.
  22. Put the notes in a CAD DETAIL , either in your layout or in plan and send to layout, easy peasy. I would keep all notes out of library. If they are in library I think they are harder to find. If you want to store them someplace, store them in a WAREHOUSE NOTE PLAN, if you want a note, open the WAREHOUSE NOTE PLAN that has all notes, copy the one you need and put it in new plan. Often times the users have better methods than CA advocates. We do it every day, we have learned methods that are quicker and easier.
  23. Here is my task, suppose I want to do what you did, how would I do that? Yea, how did you do what you did?
  24. ... and a separation at top... it's probably a problem with you cabinet defaults.