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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. 2 hours ago, johnoc said:

    Thanks Maureen , ideally though saving them to the specific cameras they are being used with, is I think a better option for me (if I can discover how to do it.)


    For each camera be sure to "save" it and go to the Backdrop tab of the DBX (Dialogue Box) apply your custom backdrop and it will stick.




    When you are ready to explore Plan Defaults click this tool: 1529485178_PlanDefaultstool.JPG.091152d9ced79aeab7a2cab2f151f02b.JPG

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  2. It looks as though those backdrops are project specific so you will want to save them to the specific cameras they are being used with.


    Otherwise there are also plan defaults for each type of camera.  If you want to have those stay the same every time you open a new file the file would need to be saved as a template file after all the defaults are set the way you want them.


    Layers upon layer of possible customizations. 

  3. There are a few symbols in the core catalog for log homes but they are pretty basic.  You might consider making your own in Chief or Sketchup and using some higher definition materials or see if there is anything available premade in the 3D Wharehouse.

  4. 1 hour ago, jasonN said:
    16 hours ago, Chopsaw said:

    Are you insulating up into the stair cavity from the under side or just the ceiling plane framing below ?  If you are not using the stair cavity for insulation value then use the bottom of the stair stringer for the calc.  Basically an average of where you are placing the vapor barrier.

    the curent design without the angled below stairs ceiling plane, would only have the walls insulated, which means the only insulation between the suite and the concrete garage floor is plywood from the stairs


    Unless you have a thermal barrier I am not sure how you would work out the energy calculations.  I would agree with Doug and insulate the Fired Rated barrier otherwise you need a fire door on the bathroom by the looks of it ?

  5. As long as it is properly installed into windows chief will recognize it the next time it is launched or possibly you may need to completely reboot the system, not exactly sure.

  6. 21 minutes ago, jasonN said:

    right but how does one do that, trace the stair riser and tread/nosing for each stair? use the stringer bottom?


    Are you insulating up into the stair cavity from the under side or just the ceiling plane framing below ?  If you are not using the stair cavity for insulation value then use the bottom of the stair stringer for the calc.  Basically an average of where you are placing the vapor barrier.

  7. Ok so the upstairs access is from outside only ?  Then stairwell and under side of stairs will be the fire rated barrier and division between conditioned and non conditioned zones.


    So you should be able to just calc. the wall area above the stair level for the conditioned area I think.

  8. 35 minutes ago, jasonN said:

    For 2, is there a way in CA I could draw an angled "floor" to run with the stairs as shown by the blue below? (the customer wanted a bathroom in the garage below the stairs). I could do it in this elevation view with CAD, but wanted to know if there is a better way. Ideally this would mimick the floor assembly to get the prescribed FR and STC ratings. so say 9" deep with insulation, channels, rated drywall. Then the polyline for 1. would also be simpler.


    I think a manual ceiling plane should work fine for this situation.


    So for question 1, do you intend to put a door at the bottom of the stairs ?

  9. If you are not paying for the ink they work well. Just the odd time you may want to make some material adjustments to avoid the darker colors or it can start to look like a heap of coal. Also watch for offset issues on larger plan files especially.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Disharoon said:

    I don't believe Macs support Shader Models and they have a separate identity... It is possibly the GUP? When I look at my Mac System Info and go under the graphics/displays it says: Supported, Metal GPUFamily macOS 2. I checked on chief and it says the minimum requirement is: GPUFamily2 v1 for a Mac. So I think I am ok in that area


    The only other thing I can suggest it to make sure you are on the latest graphics card driver.  If all that checks out you and it still does not work you might want to call tech support or see if another Mac user chimes in.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    Should be able to use whatever method you like the best.


    I agree.


    3 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    Hitting tab and specifying a length less than 1" works for me.  


    Unfortunately this and many other items that I have run into in the past do not work at my normal comfortable working zoom levels.


    Perhaps this should have some sort of adjustable Preference setting ?


    5 minutes ago, robdyck said:


    It only works using tab and you need to be zoomed in to pretty tight to the grid, about 24" seems to do the trick.


    Thanks Rob.  If you did not clarify that I would have just walked away and had to use a less effective tool.

  12. Ouch....    Are thy all on the Cad Default layer ?   Anything else on that layer ?    All Off layer set perhaps.


    Those should all default to an Auto Detail layer but it just follows your Current Cad Layer so it is best to make that unique if you can remember to.

  13. Yes you can rename all those things.  The Component name is the name of the Symbol so rename that in the Symbol DBX. The material name"s" can be edited from opening each and selecting the material from Plan Materials then editing it.

  14. 32 minutes ago, SteveT said:

    Is there any way to do this with the automatic roof generator?


    Sure but the purpose of a roof is usually to keep the rain out right ?


    Actually it won't quite do it unless I missed a setting but not a very good idea no matter where you live unless I got it all wrong ?



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