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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. Yes absolutely.  There are two types of Blocks that you can look up in the Help file or manual that will help you out using the software.


    Architectural vs CAD Blocks
    Just as there are two types of objects in Chief Architect, architectural and CAD, there are two types of blocks. See Architectural vs CAD Objects.

    Architectural objects such as cabinets and fixtures can be included in architectural blocks, while CAD objects such as lines, arcs, text and dimensions can be included in CAD blocks. See CAD Blocks.

    Knowing the differences between these two types of blocks helps you decide which type of block can best meet your needs.

    A CAD block can include and also be nested in a larger block with CAD objects, text and dimensions, but cannot include or be blocked with architectural objects.

    An architectural block can include and also be nested in a larger block with architectural objects, but cannot include or be blocked with CAD objects, text or dimensions.

    Chief Architect, Inc, 2021

  2. 1 minute ago, shedletsky said:

    Yeah I am not an architect. I am just a guy who is going to bulldoze his house and build a new one and I want to sketch out some ideas for our architect and play with some 3D models of what things could look like.


    So does that mean you want to mess with some unreliable free data or would it be much more worthwhile to rent or borrow a builders level and a measuring stick and take some of your own measurements that can be accurate to within an inch or two rather than be off by a couple of yards potentially ?  You just need to establish a benchmark and assign an elevation to it....  either 0 or some people use 100' so most measurements are positive numbers and then plot out a grid and measure the elevation at the intersecting points as well as any fixed objects and high and low points.  Or pay a surveyor who has a total station to do it if you want really good accuracy.

  3. 9 minutes ago, shedletsky said:

    I'm trying to find a public source of topologic data and then import that into Chief Architect to get a piece of terrain that looks like my lot. I think the USGS and possibly other online sources (like google maps) make this information available for free. I've noticed playing the newest Flight Simulator that at least Microsoft was able to pull this data from somewhere and has a pretty nice model of the hill I live on.


    Has anyone gone down this route before and where did they source the data in a format that Chief Architect can import?


    Yes it can be done that way but available data is not particularly accurate.  It can give you a general idea for a preliminary concept but going beyond that is not a good idea with the currently available public data sources.  Also unless it is a fairly lucrative large scale project the time required does not make sense financially.


    If you still want to give it a try I can help you out with some hotlinks and custom software.

  4. 2 minutes ago, MilitaryTVgirl said:

    Right, but I never put it in my digital locker when it was available. I went from X11 to X13 (which I do NOT like). So in another forum, many people were saying that X12 didn't require as much from your computer for Raytrace and that the renderings are MUCH crisper. I'm about to do a commercial rendering job and wanted to go ahead and download X12. but I found out that if you never put it in your digital locker when it was available, then you can't go back and download it. ONLY versions of what's in your digital locker can be downloaded. So I'm pretty much screwed unless I can suddenly go out and purchase another video card and install it. And you need a PHD for that, haha! Thanks for answering. 


    Ok now I understand. Technically Chief loads the digital locker but if you never owned X12 it likely will not be there.


    I would give Sales a quick call and offer them a trade in.  I think they should be able to work something out with you.

  5. 47 minutes ago, TrimbachDesign said:

    I just want this area to be filled to allow for an even 15% slope.


    I looks as though you have made good progress with the grading but are having issues with just one area.  The most common problem people have with chief terrain is conflicting terrain data and placing things too closely together.   You really only need data for the top and bottom elevations if you are creating a consistent slope so unless you need to add extra data for a smooth transition you likely have too much data and if you are "filling" you need to remove or edit the original elevations.   Hope that helps.

  6. There is a setting in the Wall Specifications DBX under Structure that may work if you figure out which end of the wall you are working with.


     "Thorugh Wall At Start or End" listed under Wall Intersections.   To figure out the start or end turn on "Show Start and End Indicators" in the Edit section of Preferences.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, gdesignbuild said:

    It would be super easy if you could have 2 layouts open at the same time and just copy and paste as you go but that's not possible either.


    This is natively possible in X13.  It can also be done in previous versions by opening two instances of the program, although this is not recommended and must be done carefully at your own risk remembering not to alter the reference file.


    You can certainly include as much as you want in a template but the issues is how much is too much and do you want to add what you need or delete everything you do not need. ;)

  8. 2 minutes ago, risutto said:

    Thanks Chopsaw. I've made this change, but the display of my automatic dimensions did not change. (Perhaps I only changed the default settings, not the current settings for the walls in question?)


    Yes I believe that is true.  Dimensions defaults do not change what an existing dimensions will locate but if you set the correct default a new dimension should follow the new default.

  9. Putting doors and windows into polyline solid walls will not be fun.  Your best bet is to use walls where ever it is possible using custom wall types and  "Allowed Additional Angles".  If you run into something a wall simply will not do then add a small patch with a p-solid to a chief wall.


    Otherwise you will be on a rather steep learning curve with bolean operations and symbols that really do not take advantage of the way the software was meant to be used.

  10. 1 hour ago, jtcapa1 said:

    I got it to work with some fussing from 2-d to 3d.  Seems a bit easier to make the final adjustments in 3-d.

    Such an odd work-around, but it does work to insert a pocket door into a window pass-thru.  Who'd have thunk that?

    Supporting the roof with steel beams is pretty easy on new construction, but much harder on existing with an expansion.


    Unless someone posts that all of the futzing is not necessary you may want to take a minute to send in your completed plan file and explain what you needed to do to make it all work.


    Perhaps they could allow the "No Corner Post" setting for doors to make it just a little easier in X14.   With a note that pops up....   " Please Consult your Structural Engineer " ;)

  11. 46 minutes ago, jtcapa1 said:

    What do you mean by "turn everything off?"


    I turned off Casing, Sill/Threshold, Lintel, Jamb...   Just the Door. 



    46 minutes ago, jtcapa1 said:

    That NanaWall door wants a full wall to insert, so how do you "drag it into position"?


    In my posted example I was able to place it beside the Pass Through but you could temporarily reduce the Pass Through if necessary.  Then just drag it overtop in 3D and tweak the precision in plan view.  Not completely sure if the two doors can close at the corner the way the software is currently working but Nana likely has a special 90° adapter for that anyway. You could add a symbol for that and turn it on when the door is closed and off when it is open.





  12. A few screen shots might help but X10 has live views that are low resolution until printed. It is done to save memory but you can zoom in and update if you need the layout view to be readable while you are working but depending on the size of the plan/layout files and you computer spec's it can be rather slow that way.