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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. If they give us an OIP panel for rooms in X14 you will be able to do it with a regular room schedule and I don't have the answer for that yet.


    Otherwise you will need to learn some rather complex ruby programming knowledge or hire someone that does.


    If you need it today look up the info and create a text box schedule.

  2. So basically you want to cut a great big gaping hole in your roof and then add additional load to the compromised structure ?


    I think this is a situation where you will want to get the advice of a competent builder before you start drawing.


    If you are able to provide the necessary details of the existing structure and what you hope to build on top there are people here that can give you advice.  Even an over frame is a complex process but what you are proposing is another level above that.  Not that it can't be done but it can get quite complicated very quickly depending on the exact circumstances and local building codes.

  3. Start with this setting:  So you don't get a birdsmouth.




    But then you will have quite a bit of manual building and editing to do at an "expert level".

    You will not find a setting for the metal webs....  At least in X13 anyway. 

    Most likely that will need to be done with a symbol or molding.

  4. 1 hour ago, Renerabbitt said:

    if a>=(input your length)

    a="4x King Stud Ea. Side"


    a="2x King Stud Ea. Side"



    If you wanted to go that route. Headers have their own labels and know their length so it might make more sense to look at that option.

  5. You could fairly easily include that with your window label as that info is entered and stored with the window but possibly the framers would not look at that in the right sequence.  


    Do you show wall details or studs and headers in plan views ?

  6. It would likely be easier to use a molding or even an offset room molding if the structure is a single room.  However there is something else that I can't really explain the logic of.  You can create a pony wall that is the same as the main wall but slightly shorter and then apply your wall cap and use the offsets to position it and it seems to work. :wacko:



    • Upvote 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, keithhe said:

    Give me a minute and I'll upload the "original DWG" i use as the floorplan baseline, *plan file, with layers I add, as well as the PDF where I'm seeing some issues with method you advised on. Would love to figure this out, because it has been a monumental PITA for me for a long time.


    If you like you can PM that to me or if it is not private info you can post it here so others with the same issues may learn something as well.

  8. 30 minutes ago, keithhe said:

    Only issue I see, and a common one for all PDF's in Chief, is line weights pretty much all need to be 1, or they are crazy looking in PDF version (way too "fat"). What works fine within Chief, or even DWG fails in PDF with any higher line weights. Never understood why that was, but with mechanical drawings I do all the time, on commercial projects, has always been that way. 


    That should not be happening. Are you currently using X7 ?  You might want to post a plan file Backed Up from Layout... "Backup Plan Files and All Referenced Files"  ( Layout and settings )


    Something is definitely messed up in your setup with the plan and layout sync.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, keithhe said:

    Chopsaw's method. Easy enough to export out of Chief as DWG, but from TrueView I can't "export". Is there even an export option in TrueView, or is it just Plot?


    Have a look at the "Batch Plot" options > Publish Options > Include Layer Information.