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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. 2 minutes ago, kwhitt said:

    In addition to the flickering, I am getting a moire pattern with my roof and brick textures.  Any advice on getting a cleaner video? 


    Sounds like a codec issue.   Perhaps try Xvid  or bump up the FPS to 45 or 60.   Or is it z-fighting ?


    2 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    Can you post your video?


    That would be the most help.

  2. I think I would just do my best to attempt to work with the layers of a roof plane to do that.  Obviously no tiles or shingles and replace the sheathing with glass. Modify rafter size, spacing  and material to look like frame/lead work. And possibly a few extra moldings or p-solids where the roof planes fall short.  Good Luck !

  3. 3 hours ago, tomm11 said:

    oh yea. when I import a 9 inch pdf + the the image scales to 34 ft all I have to do is divided by 45.33. The idea pdf changing the dimension scale was throwing me off. thanks


     If there really is not much editing involved you might want to consider skipping the plan file all together and import directly to layout.

  4. Hi Kate, 


    Unfortunately they fixed the software so that  the walkthrough path would correctly follow stairs but deleted the instructional video that showed how to do it. :wacko:  However I believe it still works.  You need to snap into the beginning of the stairs and the end of the stars and then set the camera at the top of the stairs to be on level 2 then it should give you a broken path line with an arrow and continue on upstairs.


    Select the path and you should be able to move the leading camera and then add in intermediate keyframes for camera adjustments and line breaks for path control.



  5. 3 hours ago, tlinder said:

    I'm trying to create a macro that will calculate the area in polylines and show it in a separate text box. This is needed to calculate sod, concrete, sidewalk ect.


    Do you need this in a schedule format with a total ?   It is not entirely clear what you are after.

    You can use the label of the polyline and move it away form the polyline or you can use as text box with an attached leader line and a referenced macro.  The leader line can be hidden with line style of color changes.

    • Like 1
  6. "Connect Cad Segments" was new in X8.   I think you are probably looking for a tool called  "Edit Object Parts" that you likely turned on accidentally so it would look something like this image.png.59ecd585bf849781882e3ddfccd03ca5.png or at least it did in X6 and it was also a setting in Preferences>Cad>Options>Edit Object Parts and that is linked to the same option if it is on your tool bar.  Potentially the same in X2

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ICONDEV said:

    Both versions are active on this computer only, so I would think I would be able to still utilize HD 2020??


    Sure but the files are not compatible.  If you brought a file forward Premier archives a copy of the original file so that it can be used to go back but any work you do in the newer version updates the file so that it can not go back.

  8. Not sure exactly what is going on with your Drop Box.   Many inquiries and requests have been made to make the 3D viewer more accessible but I think the only way to make it work is to load the model while you have wi-fi access and then it can be viewed if left open if you loose wi-fi.

    Still not very convenient and very hard on battery life.  There are other options but none as quick as the Chief 3D viewer.  360° Panoramas can be exported and viewed with a 3rd party app.

  9. I believe it was removed from X14 for some reason.  You should be able to bring your X13 configuration forward manually though.


    Have a look in:  C:\Users\User\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Toolbars


    Then copy and paste:  Kitchen and Bath Design Configuration.toolbar

    and:  Kitchen and Bath Design Configuration.png

    into your X14 file. 


    Also check to see what you have in the way of cabinet icons:  cust_1.png   through to   cust_9.png


    They will likely need to be the same in both files.


    Also no harm in checking with tech support since they said they would let people know the correct procedure.

  10. 1 minute ago, rgardner said:

    To give back to future users who may be searching for this you can mark the one that answers your question as the solution as well as mark other pertinent and helpful answers with upvotes and likes as well.


    Also let us know how it works out.  Some of those values were not reporting correctly the last time I checked so make sure you are confident that that math is working before you publish the schedule.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, GeneDavis said:

    What I might try is to draw an appropriately sized roof and ceiling below, generate the needed truss, and convert it to a symbol.  I can rotate the symbol.


    So by normal do you mean the square side of the opening above the skylight ?  If so then yes I think that would be the best option.

  12. 6 minutes ago, wazzubrad said:

    Is your comment based solely on my signature?


    No not solely but you signature is causing a lot of confusion and it looks like you now have that fixed but this thread mentions nothing about X14 and I believe you are using an X14 new feature for your solution and not showing how you achieved it which is very confusing for anyone else reading through this thread and seeing the supposed correct answer.

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  13. 1 hour ago, wazzubrad said:

    Guys, when a door or window schedule is created, it changes the label on each window and door to the schedule label. Is it possible to show both the Schedule and Size for the label rather than just the Schedule label? I have tried various settings with the Door/Window labels to get this to work and haven't found a setting that allows this.


    Brad this is a mess.....   In another thread you said you were using X14.   You have a bunch of answers provided here for X13.


    Also it looks like you are showing an X14 solution without saying how you accomplished it ?


    If you are in fact using X14 and asking X14 questions you need to update your signature.