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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. Not sure that you can have terrain features without a terrain so it could be an issue with material visibility or application.  It might be helpful to post the plan file.

  2. 6 minutes ago, jbur91 said:

    I do have primary format of smallest fraction set to nearest 1/2 inch. Is there a setting that is preventing dimensions from ever rounding up? That appears to be my issue here.


    If you could post the plan file we could have a look at your specific situation.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Yes you should be able to get it back out of the library and edit it if it is still a p-solid.  If you want it all as one you can create a symbol from the assembly but if the next client wants the same thing that is 4' shorter it would be good to also keep the original work in your library as symbols do not edit very well.

  4. It seems to be a known issue that I have sent in but not enough others have sent in yet. :(    So I would encourage you to do that and send it in. :D


    For now if there is a way you can control the layering such that you don't need to use a background fill with the hatch pattern you should be fine to print to PDF.   Also some PDF viewers do not have as much of an issue with this as others so try that if it is an option.

  5. I have not seen an issue that displays quite like that before.  You would need to let us know what version you are producing the PDF with and likely post the plan file to be sure there are no artifacts in the plan that might be causing the problem.


    Are these the irregularities you are referring to ?



  6. 6 minutes ago, BrentJohnJohn said:

    I needed to add walls around the stair opening.


     It is still better to keep that and just turn off the layer if you don't want to see it.


    "if a room is drawn within a larger structure and none of its walls connect to the exterior walls, either directly or indirectly by connecting to walls that do, it is referred to as an “island” room. The program will connect such a room to the larger structure with an Invisible Wall. See Room Dividers and Invisible Walls."

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 minute ago, rgardner said:

    You can see another layer below your drywall on the interior layer.  That is most likely the paint layer and what is causing the issue.


    Pretty sure it is just the extra unexplained interior line the same as Charles posted but yes definitely worth checking.

  8. Just now, joey_martin said:

    You will also be shocked at how often...well, how often roofing contractors over estimate roofing materials and end up cutting into their profits. I will tell you 100% that the Chief numbers for roofing materials are accurate. They can add 10% for waste, or what ever percent they use, and they love saving $$ and time.


    I have seen plenty of bundles of unopened roofing on the top of the container loads being disposed from roofing jobs and I can assure you the client is paying for the extra shingles and the disposal of them.  I will need to check again if materials are being calculated correctly for roofs but I have not seen anything in the update notes about it so I would advise people to check their material lists before submitting them.

  9. 1 minute ago, KnotSquare said:

    I got there easy enough. I was just asking if I can select only the center section that is 12:12 and leave the wings at 8:12 alone. In this case, erasing the wings is a non-issue as I have not done any design work there yet. If I learn how to just change the center section I will know something new for when I am further along in design.


    Sure, once you are committed to manual roof planes they can be selected and adjusted manually one at a time or similar planes in a group.


    2 minutes ago, KnotSquare said:

    If I use tranform/replicate, will it turn off my automatic roof build? I try not to do that until I am as far along in design as I can get.


    Sorry I suppose I should have looked at you file but yes stick with the build roof DBX if you are still doing auto roof.

  10. Just now, KnotSquare said:

    Under Edit, do not see this. Please direct me to where I can find this function.


    With the Roof Tools in the drop down near the bottom of the list. However you may also need to edit them individually if there are differences.