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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. 15 minutes ago, capitaldesigns said:

    I have a Dell XPS. It's around 3 years old.


    Humm...    Newer than mine.   Can you post the specs ?  Do you have an SSD ?


    Perhaps you have other stuff running or even shutting down and restating may help or a M$ update running in the background maybe.

  2. Hi Mike,

    It is actually not that bad on my machine, ( which is getting outdated ).  What are you running ?


    Unfortunately Chief does not handle AutoCad files very well.  So replace anything you can with Chief content or maybe try turning off layers that are not in use.  If that does not work it might be time for a new computer.


    I have a test file right now with one PDF and some imported CAD contour lines, but not as many as yours and it is much slower than your file.  6-7 seconds to select a contour line which is not even a contour line but a Standard Polyline like yours.

  3. 20 minutes ago, JMcCabe said:

    Thanks! How do you recreate a symbol?


    Sorry I did not realize how new you were with my brief description.


    You will be in a 3D view when using the Delete Surfaces Tool, so when you have all  the surfaces deleted that you don't want select the remaining item or items and on the Active Toolbar at the bottom of your screen there is a "Convert Selected to Symbol" right near the end since it is one of the new tools.

  4. 1 hour ago, PMMully said:

    I have been given some 3D symbols in the STL format that I would like to modify after importing for a 3D printer project. After reviewing the help files I am not seeing something an option to explode or edit a symbol outside of a resize (with or without aspect ratio). Am I missing something in CA to do this?


    Yes CA is more suited to original creations.  Unfortunately symbol creation is a one way street with the exception of changing materials or adding something on to the existing.  You can work with the delete surfaces tool in a pinch but it is rather crude as tools go.  Most of what I have modeled I keep in a dedicated plan file or block the assemblies to store in the library for future use or modification.  I am sure that CA has been used to design quite a few unique things that you would never expect.  I have done a few myself.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, DesignerAnnilee said:

    Thanks for helping me troubleshoot!  I've sent them all to layout... going to delete them from layout and resend...


    That won't likely help it is an automatic behavior.   Shorten the layout page title.


    Notice that A-9, A-10, and A-11 are all looking ok.  Just A-1.........................   to fix.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, pwrd90 said:

    I have also noted that the issue only appears to affect the font when text is directly on the layout page, the font applied to the plans that are displayed on the layout page have the font printed correctly.


    That in combination with using The "Chief Architect Save As PDF", I would have to say it is a Chief problem.  Have you contacted tech support ?  Also does it happen with other more common fonts ?

  7. 12 minutes ago, Michael_Gia said:

    What you end up with is a cut scene where, in one frame the door is closed and then, like magic the door is suddenly open in an instant.


    If you did 1° for every two or three frames of recording it might turn out ok but that would be a lot of editing.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kbird1 said:

    Doing this would mean the Pages are NOT at True Scale they are not printed at 100% 


    That seems to be what has been done with jobs that I take over but not a true 95%, that would be too easy you need to do 94.23% or something.;)

  9. 16 minutes ago, GeneDavis said:

    The OP asked for a room by room schedule, was shown one that was instead floor by floor, said hey that's perfect.


    Changed horses midstream.  Hey, anyone can change their mind.


    So I'm asking, show us right here how to produce what the OP says is perfect.


    Hi Gene,  


    That is not quite how I read the question and no horses were harmed.


    If someone wants to share beyond what Jason has described above I am ok with that but so far the way this works is if you want to take your presentation beyond what CA is providing it take hundreds of hours research and tinkering to prefect some of these things and there are a few of us that have done that and are willing to share for a little bit of compensation.  So you need to decide if you are ok with what CA is providing or if you want to be ahead of the curve and use some of these creations by the "program magicians".