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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. I want to know why they only insert into Cabinet Doors? I would have thought that they could be placed in an Opening.
  2. Actually it would be nice if that was the default mode - or at least if we had a way of setting it as a preference.
  3. In order to do this you simply need to select the "Use Full Editor" button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Agreed, Can we not get our status imported from the old forum?
  5. Brian, You indicated They will however be available in an "archived" read only state for some time. Essentially thru 2014. IMO that's not long enough. OTOH, it might be nice to enforce the guidelines about keeping on topic within the new threads on the new forums. I might also say that I think that all moderators should be a bit "thick skinned" about criticism. Sometimes users get frustrated - it's not personal. I have in fact seen and been ripped by at least one moderator on a couple of occasions - which I didn't believe was in any way justified and caused me quite a bit of emotional distress.
  6. Brian, There is a tremendous amount of useful information in the old forum. It would be a crime to lose that. There should be some way to save that content for posterity - no to mention the educational material for both current and future Chief users.