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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. X6 puts individual windows in as "Tabs" which can be pulled off and dragged onto other screens. Those become individual windows with their own toolbars. Those can be resized as desired - but their position is not saved when the plan is closed. There is a setting which allows the positions of pop-up windows (dbx as we know them) to remember their prior locations. and even the prior tab panel within the dbx.
  2. Turn off Auto Framing and delete or modify what Chief provided.
  3. Since Defaults are unique to each Plan or Template, if you Delete any unneeded Default Set it will allow the layer that Default specified to be deleted. Not all of the layers are specified in Active Defaults. Some are specified in the File>Defaults dbx for individual objects, etc. In addition, some Library objects carry their own set of layers and will add those to the Plan as they are placed.
  4. Mark asked why we can't delete the Layers that Chief provides with Premier OOB. The answer is really rather simple - but not obvious. Each of the Templates uses Defaults and within the Defaults for everything is a Layer. Any Layer that is specified in any of the Defaults is considered as Not Deletable and so is "greyed-out" in the Layerset dbx. So all we need to do to change that is eliminate that Layer from the Defaults. example: CAD,Electrical - This layer is specified as the CAD Layer in the Electrical Defaults so by simply editing the Electrical Defaults so that it uses CAD,Default -now the CAD,Electrical layer can be deleted. The fact that a Default in the Plan requires a Layer means that the Layer may be needed - almost like it's already used in the Plan. Going about editing and deleting layers this way could be very tedious. But there's an alternative to Mark's problem: Copy each Layer that you want to use and rename it with *Mark* at the end. Now simply type *Mark* in the Name Filter field in the Layerset dbx. Only the Layers with those characters in their names will be displayed. But you will still need to go into defaults and select those layers for the objects you create.
  5. X4 didn't have multiple monitor support. X6 is much more capable in that regard, but it doesn't remember what was open on secondary monitors. This would be a nice feature but I could see where it might present a problem if you then tried to open the plan with fewer monitors.
  6. Not before next February - but probably closer to 14 more months if history is any guide.
  7. Ron, Check this thread:
  8. Ahh..... See, I detail those because that's how I want it to be built. But I don't do much work for Contractors - usually they either work for my clients or directly for me if I'm my own client. I don't get specific on the manufactured door or window in the detail, but how the casings and trim are done is another thing entirely.
  9. Right, but ofcourse my details are stored in Detail Plan Files as CAD Details. Basically I'm using this as an easy way to create Full Wall Sections that are unique to a specific design. Occasionally I wil need a new large scale Window or Door Detail.
  10. BTW, You can create a horizontal wall (define wall type to match the floor/ceiling construction) and use it in your detail as the Floor. IOW, Wall Type constructed of 3/4" Plywd, 2x12 Fir Framing, 5/8" Drywall becomes a Floor. You can even use the framing tools to put in the plates, joists, etc - but I prefer using my own CAD Blocks. IAE, I've never been particularly happy with "CAD Detail from View".
  11. Annosets are not Kings! They are in essence Jacks of trades and scales. But "from a Jack to a King" can be accomplished by using Scott's method of having 1 Annoset for 1 Layerset
  12. Here's a method that I've adopted for creating Wall Sections & Details (Door, Window, Etc) that I really like: 1. I Start with my Detail Plan. 2. I select the Wall Type from my Library (I like the new feature of saving Wall Types in the Library) 3. I draw a section of the Wall vertically. Make sure you have the Wall Layers Displayed 4. I set it's length (Framing Height) 5. I add a couple of 2x plates (CAD Blocks) at the top and one at the bottom (for a stud framed wall) 6. Insert a Window in the Wall (I like to use fixed Windows) and add a rough sill plate and a header. 7. Add Insulation in the wall as needed. That's the basics. It's really fast and accurate. I then add finish trim, annotation using Text with Leader Lines, Dimensions, etc. ps: I do not include or display casings on the inserted Door or Window because Chief draws them from the Plan View orientation rather than the Section View. I add those elements as separate CAD Blocks as appropriate.
  13. Hi Dermot, I was beginning to wonder where you were. I think this is the first post you've made in the new forum - but maybe I just missed any other posts by you. IAE, it's good to see you're still with CA. I agree with your observations about how annosets are used and the order of setting up Defaults and Layersets first. Your statement that annosets are simply named SETS is an excellent way of putting it.
  14. As I said, I think Scott's refining his method down a bit. IAE, I do have a Layer Set for almost every Annoset and in some cases more than one. In addition, I have some Annosets that use the same Layerset. I think that Scott did what he did so that he could keep track with the same names - nothing wrong with that since it make it easier for him to understand. Understanding Layersets is a future thread Understanding Reference Layersets is another future thread. BTW, since you don't do ConDocs I would agree that you probably have very little use for these things. You would probably have been better off with Sketchup or something similar.
  15. Lew, Scott simply has a Layerset for every Annoset and an Annoset for almost every Layerset. I think he's refining it down a bit now. The point of this thread is to clarify the fact that Annosets set things for both scale and discipline. In that regard they do a wonderful job. But it requires careful setup so that the various Defaults, CAD Layers and Layersets are coordinated. 1. Having a comprehensive set of Defaults is extremely important relative to both scale and discipline. 2. It's also important to have CAD Layers and Layersets defined for each discipline (drawing type). 3. Only after those have been properly defined and saved can the Annosets be adequately defined.
  16. Annosets are used to set a series of Defaults (see the pic below) which can be relative to the scale as well as the discipline (Arch, Elect, Struct, etc.) 1. Current CAD Layer ........If I'm working on a Structural (Framing) Plan then I want my CAD objects to be on the Framing Layer. 2. Dimensions Defaults Rich Text Text Callouts Markers Arrows .....The above define the Sizes, Appearance and Layers for those items. ........Size and Appearance are relative to drawing scale. ........Layers are important because the relate to the discipline just like the CAD Layer does. 3. Layer Set ........Defines what layers are displayed, locked, line types, colors, etc. ........Generally, I want the Layerset associated with the discipline to be used when I select the Annoset. If Defaults are carefully set up for various drawing scales and disciplines and Annosets are set up to automatically select them it becomes much easier to control all the various drawings needed for Construction Documents. Note: At any time, you can select a different CAD Layer, Layer Set or any of the Defaults. In that regard, the use of Annosets doesn't restrict any of those things. OTOH, using Annosets can and will make controlling the other things much easier.
  17. Also, look at where the Camera and the Focal point are located. You may be able to just drag those 2 items to get where you need to be. The Camera should be located outside the structure and the other endpoint should be centered on the building. Then you can simply pan around with the mouse.
  18. You shouldn't even need Stretch Planes. The Symbol will simply stretch uniformly.
  19. Aside from the edge tiles, I would use a 24"x24"x1/2" Symbol specified as "Ceiling Mounted" and place them in a "Distributed Region". The Edge Tiles would have to be individually sized and placed.
  20. The sink should automatically cut the hole when placed. Is there something different than this that you need?
  21. Perry has the highest reputation - Sympathy is Great!
  22. Nope, they are much more powerful. They can convert just about any file type to a PDF and the other way around as well. For me they are much easier to use than anything else I've tried.
  23. I've been using Nuance's PDF Converter Professional without any problems. They just came out with a new product Power PDF Advanced that I'm going to purchase ($99.99) because it has even more power - it can convert PDF to fillable forms, etc.