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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Or use the Align/Distribute Objects tool.
  2. You can get this behavior by creating your CAD Detail From View from layout if you want.
  3. I’m not trying to condone converting floor plans to CAD Details. The OP seems to have his reasons for doing so though. To each his own. Anyway, I stand behind what I said. You made an erroneous statement.... This simply isn’t true. They’re still dimension lines. It’s just that the Text Above Line setting doesn’t carry through properly.
  4. Like I mentioned before... Just because it was drawn in AutoCAD doesn't mean there's not a ton of totally usable 3D information. Unlikley? Perhaps...but totally possible.
  5. I don't know why either. You should report it to tech support if you want to see it changed. In the meantime, here's a workaround for you:. Before creating your CAD Detail From View, activate a dimension tool, Shift select everything (which will grab all your dimensions), and Copy. CAD Detail From View Activate a dimension tool, Shift select everything (which will grab all your dimensions), and delete Paste Hold Position
  6. That's an oversimplification. It actually does a lot more than handle variables. It does indeed insert and execute code in general. Quick example... "8+2=#{8+2}" ----> 8+2=10 I guess a more precise and proper definition might be -- a method of inserting an expression into a string
  7. It's called interpolation. Its a way to insert code into otherwise "dumb text".
  8. Your version still has the same problems because the original geometry is flawed. Any vector based views show the extra lines. It needs some more involved fixes.
  9. There are a million ways this could be written in Ruby, but on a very basic level, you're really not that far off. Your code just needs a few minor tweaks. Here are a handful of options that would work (all based on your code)... case when depth.to_f == 13 result = "W" + "%width%%height%" else result = "%automatic_label%" end or case when depth == result = "W" + "%width%%height%" else result = "%automatic_label%" end or case when depth == result = "W" + width.to_in.round.to_s+ height.to_in.round.to_s else result = automatic_label end or case when depth == result = "W" + width.to_f.round.to_s+ height.to_f.round.to_s else result = automatic_label end or case when depth == result = "W#{width.to_f.round.to_s}#{height.to_f.round.to_s}" else result = automatic_label end I personally usually skip the case statements though and use if statements. I think its computationally faster in most cases. Something like this... if depth == result = "W#{width.to_f.round.to_s}#{height.to_f.round.to_s}" else result = automatic_label end If you want to learn more though and make some more meaningful progress a lot quicker, I do offer consultation and various support services to help with that. If you want to discuss further, just send me over an email to Either way, hopefully the information above helps get you started.
  10. It's just a poorly modeled tub. There's no "fixing" it because it has some notable geometric flaws. It needs to be remodeled.
  11. Huh? Need a lot more information than that. What do they want rotated? If its the sheet, just print the thing up and turn it. If its the title block, you just need to create a different page template as Chop said. If its the layout boxes, just rotate them. If it's some text boxes, just rotate those.
  12. Model house with all Plan Views rotated to zero and only rotate the Plot Plan View to an off angle. Either that or use a Plan Footrprint CAD Detail and rotate the Plan Footprint.
  13. Rich, I don't think they need to stop it. They just need to slow it down a little. I think the idea is that the little zapping sound will give a person that little extra reminder that maybe... just maybe, it's time to RUN!!!
  14. Ya, I've tried that too. Can't seem to make that work either. Oh well, I guess its copy/paste when I need additional control. I wish they would bring back some of the old capabilities though.
  15. Ya. Me neither. I was only messing around and piling some silly responses on top of @DzinEye’s lovely, but totally unintelligible answer. I was hoping it might elicit a few smiles. I don’t know...silliness often makes ME smile
  16. ...and the plot thickens. You’ll never know what would have happened had you not done that first set for free.
  17. Exactly my friend. Exactly. You hit the nail on the head. That's the one I'll use from here on out.
  18. Another vote for just combining with a good PDF editor. I use Nitro Pro, and it's something I use daily. Well worth the investment for many many reasons.
  19. As an aside, I just noticed after posting my first post that although any additional lines I added seemed to obey the paragraph indents while I typed it up, they didn't carry through once I posted. Only the indented lines from the original copied text retain their behavior properly. Any added lines lose the behavior once posted.
  20. Way ahead of you buddy. Already tried that. Works fine until I try to include underlined text or an underscore. I need a more dependable solution.
  21. Edit Area (All Floors) Just beware that the Defaults in the current plan will override the defaults in the old plan. This can be an issue with ceiling heights in particular.
  22. This is something I've meant to ask about for quite some time but I keep forgetting... Are there some secret hidden formatting controls in the forum that I am unaware of? At one time we used to be able to easily create paragraph indents and I see some of you guys using them to better organize your posts from time to time. I can only get that level of control by cutting and pasting from my word processor. If I do that, the paragraph indents carry over and function just fine. I just can't create them directly in the forum. I want to be able to create indents like below: 1. We can create numbered lists 2. We can create bulleted lists But we can't create indents without using one of those options And we can't create varied indents Outside of Chief: A. I can use any combination of indents that I want B. Which is great -I just want to be able to do the same thing in Chief -Why can't I? a. What are b. the rest of c. you guys d. doing? Please Note: The indents carry over into the forum just fine but they can't be removed which is another problem, and the word wrap can start to act a little funny as you can see on this particular line In addition, the pasted formatting does funny things with... bulleted lists as you can see here and with numbered lists as well (notice the buried bullets and numbers in these last 4 lines What's the deal?
  23. I know you said this in jest, but I think there is a general feeling amongst a lot of users that Chief is diverting resources to create all those cabinet libraries. I really doubt that's the case. I could be wrong, but I don't for a second believe that Chief is choosing to invest resources in cabinet libraries that could be used for improving program features. I can't speak directly for Chief but I can just about guarantee you that those are either being created by or at least paid for directly by the manufacturers.