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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I never liked that tool. What I find to work way better once I learned about it was... Hitting tab while dragging and then entering the distance and angle.
  2. I replaced the symbol in my post above...Not sure why, but the symbol seemed to be corrupted. It worked fine yesterday, but when I opened the program back up today, the materials on that door went totally wacky. The door in the library went black and seemed to have none of the panels or framework. And the material tab had the right material NAMES, but the textures and patterns were all wrong. To make matters worse, when I selected another library object and then went back to the door again, the patterns and textures had changed again and the door was 2 different materials (I think aluminum and oak) and then the door changed to all oak. Extremely bizarre. Has anyone else seen anything like that happen before?? If you could let me know how the attached symbol behaves for you I would appreciate it. I think I fixed it but I'm not sure. The door should by Cherry with the grain on each individual panel going in the direction it would be in real life. Like the attached screenshot...
  3. No, but it seems to resize just fine. At least for my purposes.
  4. Please let me know how I did Symbol Master Joe
  5. Okay...I made my first door. Nothing fancy, but pretty close visually in case anyone else ever needs a similar door... Untitled
  6. Now it seems to be redirecting us back to THIS forum
  7. No apparent problems here either.
  8. You're probably right Joe, although making symbols like that aren't one of my strong suits.
  9. Thanks Curt. I was hoping someone might recognize it so I didn't have to search through the zillions of doors in the Sketchup warehouse.
  10. I'm looking for a particular door design. Wondering if perhaps any of you have one or can tell me where to find it. I've searched all the Chief libraries and can't seem to find anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry, this is the best picture I have...
  11. Cory, What method did you use to make those lintels??
  12. As Glenn also mentioned in another thread, you can even break the moulding polyline and delete just a section of the gutter if you wanted to.
  13. Like Glenn said, unlock the gutter layer and then you can manually select the edges (new unlocked moulding polylines) on which you don't want gutters, open the moulding polyline dbx and then check "no moulding on selected edge".
  14. Glenn, I'm not sure if you really considered the OP's PC specs, but based on the limited info he provided I would say your system is close to twice as effective as his even if you think it is "old".
  15. I think you may be missing the point. Most of us aren't having your problems because our systems are newer and/or faster. Upgrade your PC and you'll likely fix the problem. I haven't seen any of the Chiefers here post specs as low as yours in a long time if ever. It's just not what you should be using if you want optimal performance. And it can be any number of other things. Either in your plan as Glenn suggested or in one of your settings or in your GPU, etc. Post a plan or give more details if you really want to get to the root of the problem.
  16. I don't personally need the symbols at this point, but it would be awesome if maybe you can edit your "best answer" to include where you found them in case any of us need to locate them in the future. Just a thought.
  17. I'm sure you can convert it to a symbol that can be imported into an older version of Chief but it would be relatively useless.
  18. Hmmm...I guess that still leaves you with a patch required underneath the bay window. It definitely seems buggy because if you change that main wall type to delete the pony wall, open the bay window dbx and change it to something other than "use main wall type", open the main wall again and add the pony wall, it will draw correctly in the preview pane, but as soon as you close the dbx the brick (or whatever you use for the pony wall) builds all the way around the bay window again.
  19. I was actually able to recreate the same thing before you attached the plan. The only way I seemed to be able to get it to work right was to break the exterior wall on either side of the bay window and then change the wall type for the section the bay window was in. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to matter what wall type you use, the brick will automatically continue.
  20. No...but my previous post may have. You have that much more of a program and a newer version. The home designer product you were using was likely built on an older software platform optimized for older systems and likely wasn't near as taxing on the video card as X6. Add to that all the extra features and graphics options (which can be heavily taxing dending on your settings) and you get slowness. You may want to go through and double check some of your settings depending on what exactly you mean by "slow". To start with, is it slow in plan view, slow in 3D, or slow in both??
  21. Steve, on further review, I realized your PC processor is actually below the minimum 2.4 GHz required by Chief, and that much further below what is recommended.