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Everything posted by VHI_WMA

  1. When I export my chief models into lets say unity, the tri count is very high and can cause lagging or resolution issues, I think the cabinets alone add a lot to this. Is there a way to break down or explode these objects to simplify them without having to model things like cabinets from scratch?
  2. Thanks Solver Thats only part of the issue I would like to show all similar windows with the same callout, ie, all 2-8 x 4-0 DH as A where A is a callout inside of a shaped border
  3. Is there any way to change the auto-generated window numbers that appear as callouts when you make a window schedule? I know you can choose to use a user-generated label instead, but I like the checks and balances of a callout for all similar windows, and the look of a shaped border. Unfortunately, can't figure out how to make that happen here. What I want to happen: all similar windows have a callout with a shape border that I can set, and which will appear in order in my schedule, and as the label on my elevations What is happening: Chief generates a callout which I cannot change. If I make a custom label, it shows only as text/no shape border. Any advice is appreciated thanks
  4. Is there any way to import this as elevation data or just as markers and polylines
  5. Well, I am an avid hot key user and settled on a great mouse so far. I went with a friends recommended mouse. I have a Utechsmart Gaming mouse. It has a "num pad" style key pad @ the thumb. Secondary software that allows you to program macros that match with key sequences that I would use on my left hand. Example, I used the series "m,c,i" for multi copy interval, now that is programmed to a single button on my mouse hand after a left click on an object and brings that menu right up. Pretty nice features for efficiency. It also allows me to establish 5 profiles that can swap out pending which software/or planning mode that i am in. So photoshop, and Windows have there own quick keys for tasks. I can change out mouse hot keys for Default, Framing, Plumbing, electrical... Its like having annotation sets for hotkeys. Works great for getting right into secondary tools. So far i have had very few issues other than adjusting to what is programmed so far.
  6. The Viewer is pretty sweet!
  7. I looked at having "working" layer sets, but I would have to create a bunch, then have my annotation sets function correctly, and keep it maintained...#PIA. The other function this would serve would be collaboration. I have 4 people in my office, so if we could designate a layer in our plan files defaulted to design notes, we could then collaborate via that layer and never worry about printing the notes. It just seems like adding a control like this would be a great function. I spend enough time in emails, I would rather spend it adding designer notes to a plan, then send it John doe in finishes and the email will simply read "HERE IS THE PLAN, SEE NOTES FOR CHANGES, EMAIL/CALL FOR Q's"
  8. Yeah, It would be great for guide lines on a layout sheet, aligning elevations....etc.
  9. I am not sure about everyone, but I jump around from project to project...ALOT. I have a layer that is a "design notes" which i store notes and leaders about thoughts I have as the design process goes. As i jump from project to project, i have to turn this layer on and off, It would be nice to be able to toggle layers that will not be sent to the printer. So i can just leave it on and make the corrections as a go. Anyone have a way to make this work better? Should i move this post to the suggestions? I am sure this would be a good add for anyone using revision clouds as well. Thoughts?
  10. I am looking at a few options, I had a 3 w/ the wheel, but i am a huge user of hotkeys and was looking at a few models meant for gaming that i could setup almost as a second keyboard on my right hand.
  11. Ladies and Gent's I have finally worn down my old mouse, looking to get a new one. Anyone have any luck with programmable, multi button mice. if so, I would love some recommendations. Would be nice to attach some hotkeys to it if its possible.
  12. Hello Everyone, I have had a great opportunity to try the 3d viewer out in the field on a sales call and give some feedback to the engineering team @ chief. I can say that overall it was a nice tool to have. Here is the context in which I used/tested it: Context of Test: I went on a sales call to discuss adding a second floor dormer, or full 2nd floor addition. I brought with me a simplified proposal plan set with some floor plans, renderings, cross sections of a Dormer project here in western Mass, the 3d viewer on my Ipad Air (Purchased 2 years ago). I loaded both versions of the proposed concept on my ipad both using a Wifi (comcast) and Celluar (verizon 4G LTE) with no problems. Review: Using X8, It was a very easy process of exporting the model out. Overall, I was pleased with export and "loading process" (Both Wifi, and Verizon Wireless from cloud) of getting the Model from Chief to 3d Viewer. No issues, no lag, no problems. Simple. I was able to load an approximate 2,000 sqft home, including the 1/4 acre lot,driveway,walkway, and main road, I did not keep terrain features like trees in the models. I didn't have alot of textures or objects loaded on the first floor due to the projects scope of work, second floor included wall tile, paint colors, floor some stock and some custom textures, furniture, fixtures, Cabinets, Specific roof framing (trusses)..etc. During our 2 hour meeting, I was able to use the 3d viewer to supplement the plan set. It was easy to discuss the headroom options on the second floor, overall flow, and the benefits of both plans using the cross section slider in the viewer. Switching from one model to the other was easy, and allowed me a lot of flexibility that having just a paper plan set would not offer me. Client was VERY responsive to the walk-through Sojourn application. He was blown away as we stood at the top of the stairs and "virtually walked" through his dormer addition. Although Graphically, I had some setbacks as far as the sheathing showing through the shingles, overall it was very nice to be able to open the model and show the couple what was going on. I had no really lag during rotations or walk-through. I would defiantly say that this tool is a nice linebacker for sales tools. Its great at filling those gaps when clients ask questions about views or details that are not clearly demonstrated on a initial presentation plan set. Nice not to have to have a laptop/surface on stand-bye, easier to move around with a simple model, flash between my prior portfolio of work and the viewer. I would recommend everyone take a look at this, and see if it can be another tool in the box for you.
  13. I run chief x8 on my surface pro 3, I can use that with a disto, and the disto input app and it works well for complicated as-builts
  14. My system is "jobname" R(#)V(#) Date, I also have a google doc that follows this with notes and commentary on what happened in that version/rRevision. have to keep it all straight and CYA with the client
  15. Yeah Scott, Nice to not to deal with Vacuum tubes and switch out those 8" floppy disks....
  16. I am currently using Google docs, I have syncing software that detects new or changes to the file and saves them after i modify or create plan/layout files. It works well. keeps everything is the same wherever i go. Just deactivate licences and activate on the new machine
  17. Graphic's drivers up to date? on those pc's any issues in 3d cams?
  18. Post the plan, I will be happy to take a look
  19. Ron, I am running 2 Acers ft220's They are awesome!, Touchscreen is nice, but not very time saving in chief, i use it a lot for file management and using PDF's. Bought them on amazon
  20. Agree'd Jcaffe, seems that would be the big turn around. I thought it would be nice for Chief to get some high end kitchen hardware, like Rev-a-shelf models that we can open and close as we are doing 3d walk through. Seems like it would be beneficial to add an "3d open cabinet door/drawer feature". allowing us to show clients roll outs and drawer items, lazy Susans..things like that. also add better under cab LED light strips that are popular now.